[ssba] To my dear blog readers and fans-
We want to thank you deeply as a family for your support after my post about our daughter Aila's (AY-luh) condition. We are so appreciative of all of the hundreds of thousands of you who already loved our sweet girl and held her in your hearts before she was born.
Our darling Aila was born Tuesday night June 24th at 7:53pm and passed peacefully in my arms at 8:39pm. She weighed 1 pound 5.8 ounces and had her brother’s nose and daddy’s lips. She was just the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
We had the immense joy of knowing her on this earth for 46 minutes before she went to be with Jesus. I was able to hold her for 12 hours and study her sweet face all night long. The pain that we feel from missing her each day is inexplicable. I ache for the day when I can kiss her forehead and hold her in my arms again.
But we are simultaneously walking through each day rejoicing
But we are simultaneously walking through each day rejoicing in the privilege of being parents to Aila for her short time here and that we got to meet, cradle, and kiss our sweet daughter before she was gone.

This last 8 weeks has been the most trying time of our lives, but we live with no regrets. During that time, we grew so deeply in love with our daughter. With each kick and movement. With each ultrasound. We were adamant that we would enjoy Aila's time in the womb and did as many things as we could in our short time.
She and I finished our book Meals Made Simple. I only had a little bit left after I learned of her diagnosis and wanted to honor her life by doing what I love most. I began to write the book shortly after I learned I was pregnant and wanted to finish it with her by my side.
As a family we were able to take her and Asher to Disneyland, a baseball game, lots of hikes in the hills surrounded by oak trees, and many family barbecues and swimming time. She spent mornings snuggling on the couch with her brother and I watching cartoons. She knew the sound of my voice singing songs throughout the day. She perked up anytime her daddy would enter the room and was always willing to let him know she was still there with a little kick from her sweet little legs.
These are the things we will never forget and are thankful we had the opportunity to experience.

We thank you all again for your prayers and support during this unfathomable time. I've read your thousands of comments and emails and know your hearts and how much you are yearning to help us. I wish I could tell you there was something you could give us that would make this better, but there is not. But we have figured out a way we can give Aila's life even more purpose, and we would love for you to partner with us.
We have been deeply impacted by all of the organizations and people who supported us and want them to be supported in return. So we have set up a fundraiser in Aila's name that will provide financial assistance to them. If you would like a tangible way to show your support, please take a look here and donate if you feel led.

Ryan, Danielle, and Asher
Please read my update post on Life after Aila, It’s Been 6 Months, My Rainbow Pregnancy Journey
My deepest gratitude to my nurses and doctors at UCSF – especially Jessie. Your empathy, reassurance, and compassion was invaluable. Jennifer Skog for the memories of my pregnancy. To Abby from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep for helping us remember our short time with our baby girl.
Marcia Krause
May God bless your family and give you peace at this very difficult time. As you said, you will meet Aila again and spend eternity with her. That will be the hope to take you through your darkest hours. {hugs}
God bless you all.. Your family is in my prayers.
Julia Richert
I am so very sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts.
God bless you, your family and your beautiful daughter Aila. I pray that God keeps you right next to his heart protecting you all with his loving hand. Sending so many prayers for blessings and healing your way. God bless.
Jennifer MommyLifeAfterPh.D.
So very sorry for your loss, thanks for sharing Aila’s journey. Prayers of healing for your sweet family.
Brenda Brush
I’ve been praying for you and your family all this time…and I will continue to. I am so glad you had the time with her that you did, and I’m sure you will cherish that forever. May love and peace surround you at this most difficult time.
Prayers and love to your sweet family and your beautiful girl.
gingersnap3303 .
Danielle, there are no words. I have been following your story closely and praying for you and your family. Though I don’t know you, I cry with you and also rejoice with you at the sweet life of little Aila Jane. I am also a Christian and am thankful for your deep faith. May Aila now be where there is no more broken bones or pain, only joy in the presence of Jesus. “When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay”
Those 2 pictures of the three of you are literally the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen in my life. I have lost 4 babies into the arms of Jesus that I can’t wait to have and hold for all of eternity. I truly mourn for your loss.
Prayers to you & yours. Thank you for sharing your daughter with us.
You and your family are in my thoughts and my prayers.
Karla Traxel
What a beautiful girl and a loving family! I’m so sorry that you will have to miss her. God has promised a resurrection (Acts 24:15) and you will hold her again.
Yes, they will be reunited here on earth, where her mother and father can hold and cuddle her, raise her to perfection. Its the promise held in the Bible as the result of his kingdom rule. The days are approaching quickly when Rev. 21:3,4 will be fulfilled. There is no death in heaven, so this appluescto the earth. What a glorious hope for our future.
Sarah Jane
I am so, so sorry.
JC Ramirez
God bless you guys Danielle. NILMDTS is a great organization/group of people. They took photographs of our twin sons 5yrs ago. They were born premature and lived 2hrs. It is true, that there is nothing any of us can do for you during this time. 5yrs later (6.18.09), I still feel that way. Just know that there are many of us who know what pain your are feeling, and are here to show support. Sometimes, it is just not their time, and God calls them back home. They have another purpose. Those who suffer most, are rewarded in the end. xoxoxoxo
This is heartbreaking. The Lord be with you and comfort you during this difficult time.
Anna Watson
I can’t begin to imagine how you and your family must be feeling. I sincerely hope you find the strenght to cope with your tragic loss.
You express your love for Alia so well. Glad you were able to hold her. So sorry and sad for your loss. Love the pics.
Praying for you all. There is not a day that a goes by that I don’t think about you and lift you up to the Father. I’m so so sorry you have to walk through this but so glad that you have the one and only Prince of Peace holding your hands. So thankful for hope in the here and now and for all eternity. Blessings and peace to you my sister.
May God Almighty flood you with peace in these moments and days ahead, and may the time pass quickly for you until you hold your sweet girl in your arms again. This side of time it seems like so far away, but this life is a vapor and we’ll all be together again shortly. Peace, blessings, and love to you and yours, in Jesus’ mighty name.
As a momma who lost a baby to a rare neuro defect, my heart is in my throat reading this post. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I can’t tell you that this pain you are feeling will ever go away. In an odd way you won’t want it too. As long as you have that pain, you have part of her. It becomes easier to carry and days become easier to face.
My very deepest sympathy and prayers.
Karen Peters
I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are on my prayers during your time of grief.
Wow… you are truly an inspiration. I can’t imagine the strength it took… with tears in my eyes I will pray for you, your husband and your family. God Bless.
This takes a lot of courage, I feel for you and your partner. Rejoice, everything happens for a reason.
Keeping you and your family in my prayers… xo
Danielle, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you peace and love during this infathomably difficult time.
Hope Howland
Oh I am moved beyond words… tears.. Jesus knows and now she’s dancing in a field of flowers with Jesus. Praying for your hearts, for the ache and the closeness of the Holy Spirit to swirl around you like you’ve never felt before… Hugs and love from Santa Rosa..
May the Lord bless you with peace and comfort. I am so glad you had that time to say goodbye and one day there will be a hello again. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Leslie Morris
Wow! I am in tears and cannot even begin to imagine what you are going through. Yet, you have joy. Yet, you have made it know to your community that in the midst of sorrow, there is hope. Thank you for living so humbly, for pointing to our loving Lord who is holding your sweet Ailia in His arms. Praying for you and your family.
diane stanley
I’m sharing your sorrow
I don’t know what to say. I’m weeping and praying for you all and I pray that God will give you comfort and joy beyond understanding. ((hug))
So sorry for your loss. Praying for comfort and peace during this time. She is now safe in the arms of Jesus. Find comfort in knowing that you will see her again. 🙂
Love to you all.
As a mother who lost a child to a fatal defect, I feel your pain and want you to know that this too, shall pass. You will think of her every day, but it will hurt less over time. You will never stop loving her or thinking of her, and that is her greatest gift to you.
i am so sorry danielle for your loss. thinking of you and your family. XO
thinking of your beautiful family during this trying time.
Jean @ Lemons & Anchovies
God bless you and your family. I admire your strength, courage and most of all your faith. Aila was fortunate to have you as her family during her time here. You will continue to be in my prayers. Thank you for sharing her with us. God Bless!
Danielle, my deepest sympathies for you, your husband, and son. May the Lord hold you all in his arms and give you matchless peace during this time. You are really an inspiration and I know that in future, your story will touch many, many lives.
Chardaé Davis
I’m in tears Danielle. I’m sorry for your loss, but so happy you got to meet your baby girl. Your family is in my prayers, and I’m sending positive vibes your way.
If I can hardly find the words to express the heartache I feel when I read your story then I have absolutely no idea how you are constantly able to put together the most eloquent and meaningful sentences. You are incredibly brave and graceful. Your little girl was so blessed to be born into your family. I desperately hope peace will soon replace the vast amounts of grief you must be feeling. Thank you so very much for sharing your story.
Heather Torriente
Lots of tears, prayers, and love. Thank you for setting this fund up in her honor. Your family’s faith and beauty are beyond description.
Cynthia Albert
Your tears of sorrow will be turned into tears of joy.
I am so sorry for your loss. I just recently lost my baby at 19 weeks of the pregnancy. Losing a child is the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. Thank you for being so open and sharing about your loss, this is a topic people don’t talk about enough. Know that you are not alone. I will pray for you and your family as you go through this journey, it is a long hard path to walk.
Trisha Samseli
I am sorry for your loss as well. 🙁
No words cannot describe with what you’re feeling. Your daughter now is with God as an Angel. You have a huge heart and God is watching. All the sorrows that you and your family is going through will be superceded with many blessings. The pain won’t be gone just like how I feel losing my boy. You have touched and inspire millions of people Danielle. Keep doing what you’re doing. We love you.
What beautiful pictures of you all. So so sorry for your loss xxx
This moved me to tears. I can’t imagine your pain. May God continue to help each of you grieve for Aila and give you the peace to move forward. Much love from Vagiaoma in Papua New Guinea
My favorite singer/songwriter,JJ Heller. This is her song “Olivianna” based on her own experience. Prayers.
Sending hugs and love for all of you. Your determination to live in joy is one of the most inspiring things I have ever been a witness to. Thank you for that inspiration.
“The Lord bless you
and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
and give you peace.” – I have been thinking of this passage since you first wrote about this, and I am thinking it today. Sending you prayers, sending you love.
I am so sorry to hear about your loss and I will keep you in my prayers. A friend of mine from church went through a very similar experience with their son. The father wrote a book about their experience, the grieving process, and their walk with Christ through it all. If/When you feel ready, you might want to look into it. The book is called “Loving Samuel” and it’s available on Amazon. He has a facebook page with the same title if you want to check into there first.
Kimberly Bedtelyon
Praying for all of you. She’s a beautiful angel just like her mommy. Thank you for allowing us to travel on this journey with you.
Ashley Abbs
Sending love and light to you all and sweet Aila
Marcie Moo
Oh my dear Danielle…early in my pregnancy I asked you what I could do to abate my own morning sickness in the healthiest way possible, and before I knew it, our little girl was with Jesus, too. I didn’t even know you were expecting when our little one passed.
Please know that I, too, both weep and rejoice with you and yours. I hope our little girls are playing together at the feet of our Heavenly Father. You are prayed for. God’s blessings to you.
I’m very impressed by the strength you have proven in everything you went trough in your life. You are a fighter and your baby girl surely also was a fighter during the whole pregnancy and her bright 46 minutes. Although there is no emotion but grief and loss now, but: God gave you the present to get to know her, to hold her in your arms. Cherish these hours forever. May God bless your little family and always walk right beside you all.
Ashley Crist
Danielle, I am so, so sorry. Just aching for you and so deeply moved by what you expressed in this post… Bless you and sweet Aila. She will be anxiously waiting for her mommy to see her again one day in heaven. Your family will not be forgotten in our thoughts and prayers. Comfort and love to you sister.
Our hearts are broken for you and your family. We are praying for you and we know that Jesus is taking good care of her.
Betsy Kelley
I can’t stop crying. You and your family are in my heart and my prayers. It sounds like Aila loved you as much as you loved her. I’m glad you were able to meet her.
Beccy Beresic
Im so sorry! There are no words! The pain of a grieving parent is like no other. I experienced the same pain last year after losing my newborn son last year. The heartbreak feels unbearable and the grief overwhelming but I just tried to hold on to the fact that my son was whole and happy in the arms of the Father. It doesn’t make it easier but somehow it gave me enough hope to hold on during the bad days. You clearly have a strong faith and I’m sure that will carry you through the days and weeks ahead. I will be praying for you and that you know the Father’s peace carrying you through!
Love and prayers to you and your family.
Liz G.
I just want you to know how very sorry I am for your loss, I can not imagine how hard it must be. I have tears filling my eyes from just reading this, the pain of experiencing it must be excruciating. Sending up prayers of healing and hope for you and your family.
I am so, so sorry for your loss. So sorry that you and your family had to go through this. Thank you for sharing your story, which shows the depth of your faith. God will give you the strength you need to get through each day, each hour, each minute, and even each second. I too look forward to someday meeting the child I lost very early in pregnancy. Our angels in heaven!
What a beautiful post. Many of us in the OI community were following your story and hoping for better results. I was hoping the diagnosis would be a lesser severity as it was with our daughter. I wish you peace and strength in the days ahead. God’s will is best. Another snowflake that will be remembered.
Loved As If
I just learned of your story through friends. Your entire family is in my prayers. God bless you. Drusilla (https://lovedasif.com/)
My heart is broken for your family. Many thoughts and prayers for the healing of your souls. I am so sorry does not even begin to cover what I am feeling for you.
Tami Hill Treu
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us. Your faith is so beautiful.Tears keep flowing on your behalf. You all will continue to be in our prayers. May you feel the Lord holding you, dancing over you and being your peace. We are so sorry for your loss, but rejoice with you that your hope is in the Lord and that you will get to one day spend eternity with your sweet girl. Tons of love from our house to yours.
Oh, Danielle. There are no words… What depths of pain you feel, but what beauty and glory she now knows… We will continue to pray for you and your beautiful family.
Isaiah 43:2 “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”
I came across via a friend. I am grieving the loss of my child, who was due to enter the world on July 7. Please accept my deepest condolences on your loss. I hope these words, which have comforted me, bring you some comfort. Regarding children who passed while still in the womb, or shortly upon arriving in this world:
You were never hungry.
You were never cold.
You were never alone.
You were always loved.
Big quiet hug to you, your husband, and son.
I am keeping you and your family in my prayers during such a difficult time.
How heart achingly beautiful, tender, moving and inspiring your story is and the photos of you and your husband holding your precious little bundle is inexplicably touching. These last photos of your pregnancy are magnificent and triumphant….what a very fortunate little girl to be part of your family and loved so dearly, bless you all.
Kayla M
I immediately started crying as soon as I clicked on and saw your sweet picture. I am very sorry for what happened to you and your family, and feel you are so strong for being able to document and share your very personal story with all of us “strangers”. I will pray for you and your family, and think it is a wonderful amazing thing that you got the time you did with your sweet daughter. I hope you and your family find peace, and know that sweet little girl will always and forever be with you.
A beautiful, powerful and extremely touching post – your strength and love shine through, above all else.
Danielle, I’m so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby girl. There are no words to be said that can take away the pain. May God bless you and your family. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. My heart aches for you and your family in this trying time.
Julie Anderson French
My heart goes out to you and your family. I cannot imagine how difficult this has been. One day you will meet her again. Saying prayers.
Christina Speed
My heart swells and aches for you and your family. I cannot possibly imagine your heartache but I just want to honor your strength, courage and love. One day you will find yourself through this and n the other side where it no longer hurts to breathe and you can celebrate the love you have for your beautiful daughter.
Corrie Sebire
oh my goodness I can hardly read the computer anymore because my tears are flowing, I am so sorry for your loss. I’m also someone with a deep faith and what you did to give Aila life on this world is truly beautiful. I wish all of your pain could go away and I’m so sorry that she had to go to heaven. I hope that God comforts you in your greatest time of need and that you know that you are all in the thoughts of so many. Thank you for sharing those tender photos with us as well. May God bless you all, Corriexxxxxxx
Marissa in BC Canada
Just tears. There are no words. My deepest condolences, warmest hugs, and truest prayers for you and your family during this time.
Laurie Hine Meyers
Numbers 6:24 -26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face to you and give you peace.” No mortal words can express, but my heart weeps for you. She now has wings and will be in your hearts forever. God bless.
I am crying for you and griefing with you but at the same time I think that you had the worst loss and the greatest gift at once. I esteem your strength and faith: you and your family have been in my heart and thoughts since I read your first blog about your little baby girl and I prayed for you. It’s a miracle and a grace that you could see your daughter not as a disgrace but as the big gift that she was and that you could be to her the greatest mom! I think your son is very lucky to have you two as parents, from which he could learn and experience what life and death and love really are. May God bless you and let you always feel his mercy and love.
Danielle, I absolutely love your blog and you inspire me so much with your story of how you fixed your auto immune disease with food which I think is brilliant. I love your recipes and your family is so beautiful. I was so sorry to hear about your daughter and her diagnosis, you may find comfort in Angie Smith’s book I Will Carry You who also found out through ultrasound that her daughter would probably not make it past birth and her experiences of losing a child. I have read many of her books and they are very comforting. Prayers for your family.
Rachel @ Following In My Shoes
My heart is just breaking for your entire family; I have been praying since you first shared the news with us. My continued prayers with you know during this time.
Your faith is amazing.God will honor every decision you have made and your precious daughter Aila is now a sweet Guardian Angel for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story with such love. May God bless you and make his face to shine upon you everyday. May he continue to show His love and provide you with peace and comfort during this time.
LaRae Seifert
Praying for God’s love to surround you. I’m so glad you got the time you did with your beautiful, sweet daughter. <3
I am so moved by the strength and grace you’ve shown during this unimaginable time. My heart aches for you and I am so very sorry for your loss. Your family will continue to be in my thoughts.
Thank you so much for sharing your pain and joy with us. You are under absolutely no obligation to share such intimate moments with your blog readers, but I hope that our small comments of support and prayer can be of comfort in some way as your family goes through healing. You are in my prayers.
Joselyn Parada
Words cannot express…
Kate Goulding Cushman
There are no words to describe the ache I feel for you and your family. How wonderful to have had those precious moments with Aila. Your pictures are beautiful and I can feel your love for her. Thank you for having the courage to share your story. No doubt you have helped others struggling in the same situation. My deepest sympathies to all of you.
Danielle – My heart is breaking for you. Thank you for sharing such a personal and private experience with your readers. We all love and support you through this heart-wrenching ordeal.
I, too, have lost a baby at 22 weeks gestation-stillborn and then a few years later we lost our infant son when he was 3 months old to illness after a lengthy stay in the PICU. To have a child die in your arms…there is no word to describe the depth of pain. God is there in a very real way, but it takes time to catch one’s emotional breath and move forward. Here we are 20 years later and having added 3 more children to our family. Sometimes I can’t believe I survived and kept on living. But ALWAYS I remember those children awaiting me in Heaven. Your family is much in my thoughts and I will be praying for you. <3
So beautiful. You’ve taken a moment that would have left so many parents bitter and destroyed, and expressed such gratitude to God. I’m thankful to have read this story; it reminds me of His presence in *every* situation.
L Dial
“The deep pain that is felt at the death of every friendly soul arises from the feeling that there is in every individual something which is inexpressible, peculiar to him alone, and is, therefore, absolutely and irretrievably lost.” ~Arthur Schopenhauer
My family prays for your heart and holds your family tight in our thoughts. You are not alone as you walk this journey. Take comfort in knowing that Aila left a big footprint for such a little girl-one that is uniquely her’s and wonderfully made by Him.
Greg Coates
As someone who’s been in a similar situation, my heart breaks for you. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Shedding tears and praying God’s love surrounds you. I am so glad you got the time with her that you did.
Many prayers of comfort to you.
Christine Horton
Sending love and praying for peace for you and your family. XO
What a terrible loss for you all to bear. She is at peace and cradled in heaven now. Xx
As with all the the others I have no words to offer comfort. Except these…she came from Love, was conceived in Love, was carried and birthed in Love and has returned to Love. She never knew anything except Love and now she’s held in the arms of Love.
Janet VanAlstyne
So beautifully stated! Our hearts ache and tears fall for you & your family’s loss.
Beautiful words. What a comforting truth.
So true! beautifully said.
One of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I lost a son @ 22 weeks almost 11 years ago. This is such a comforting thought!
Beautiful words…so sorry for you loss x
thank you. This is beautiful. i will share this with my sister who lost her daughter, Avalynn-stillborn at 39.5 wks.
Ali Mygrants
Donna, Thank you for sharing this beautiful thought! Very supportive and comforting! A beautiful message to send their way! <3
Beautiful words, Donna. So true.
Brenda A
I’m in tears reading these beautiful words of love. Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry for this family’s loss. God bless them and God bless you Donna.
Aila was here and she had a purpose. Not only that, she loved her family and her family loved her. She will never be forgotten. May God bless you all.
Sweet Danielle and your beautiful family, I am so sorry for your loss. I too thank God for the time you had with Aila. What a gift she was to you all. We will pray for you.
Marianne Kay
Beautifully written. Love and prayers from Canada.
She is perfect! For every good and BEAUTIFUL thing is from the Lord. I am so sorry for your loss but so happy to celebrate her life with you as well! May you be comforted!
Samantha Roberts
I felt a special connection to you and Aila, as we had the same due date (September 21st) and I lost my baby girl as well. My heart is with you and your family.
Julia Flude
So sorry to hear this, but also happy for the time you got to spend with her! You will be on our hearts and in our prayers. <3
Julia, mom to Wyatt (4 years old, OI type 4)
Danielle…thank you so much for your bravery and courage in sharing your experience with us all. These beautiful pictures take my breath away and bring tears to my eyes. Tears of shared grief and loss. My heart is filled with love and compassion for your family. I wish you all peace, comfort, and love during this hardest of times.
Ashley Holmes
My heart goes out to you and your family. Stay strong. <3
Linda H
I am sorry for your loss and wish you strength and peace in the coming days.
There are no other words I can say except that now she is a beautiful Angel in Heaven looking lovingly down on her family on earth.
Tracy Quebral
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Aila. She is a precious and beautiful gift from God. She lives in the arms of our Lord now, and watches over you all in the most profound and incredible way we cannot even possibly understand, but I believe you’ll feel so many times. May God grant you comfort and peace as you endure this difficult time. And in His perfect time, may you see your precious one again. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so, so sorry. 🙁
You are all in my thoughts. Love and light to you at this time xo
Lisa W
My deepest sympathies to you. My thoughts and prayers of love, healing and comfort. I heard Oprah once say that when a loved one passes, you now have an angel you can call by name. Know she is with you and loves you beyond measure, as you do her and that she will always be with you throughout eternity. Much love to you. <3
Brooke Archer
My heart breaks for you all reading this. Your strength in sharing this very personal story is inspiring. Thank you! Sending you lots of love, strength and hope for the future. xx
K Clark
Your grace, transparency, authenticity, and courage inspire me and bring me to tears. I am deeply sorry for your loss and so happy for you for the treasured moments and memories you shared with your precious daughter. May God continue to comfort you all and carry you until you are able to stand again.
No one can possibly understand what you and your family are going through. Just as
you have done with every difficult situation in your life, you are
demonstrating true strength, grace and how your faith is guiding you through
this heartbreaking ordeal. Please know you and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing Aila with us ~ you are reminding each of us
how precious life is and to live it with love, appreciation and a celebration for
the blessings we have. Sending love and praying for peace and comfort.
Sarah Pinkerton
Sending you all the love and comfort possible x
Isabel Johannes
Danielle, i am so very sorry. I have been deeply praying for you and this little one. While i know your little one is in our Lord’s arms, i still cry. I am thankful for knowing that you and your husband were able to hold little Aila Jane and one day, you will both hold her again.
Much love and soft hugs…..i will continue to pray for you and your family, my friend.
I am so sorry for your loss. I know from experience how you will treasure the short time you had with her. I will hold you in prayer as your family grieves and heals.
I’m very sorry for your loss. Hoping you continue to find comfort in your memories. Sending love from Australia.
Christy Beck LaBare
Just wish there was something to say, but I believe you’ve said it all quite beautifully. Wishing you comfort and peace during the time it takes to ease the pain of your immeasurable loss.
My heart is with you.
Stacey Kinnick
As many have already expressed, there is nothing I can offer to console your aching hearts. I pray that Jesus holds you all close, comforts you with His love and peace. You are all in my prayers.
I am so so sorry for your loss, again. But so grateful that you have such wonderful hope of seeing her again. Seeing your faithfulness to our Father during this time has been such a witness. So glad you were able to capture some moments with your precious daughter. Praying for you all.
Hugs to you all.
Odalys C
I don’t think I would’ve ever understood your pain if I wasn’t a mother myself and carried my son for nine months. For you to have loved her and embraced your journey the way you and your family did, speaks volume about your spirit and your heart. I cried reading your story. May you inspire in others to be as thoughtful, grateful and full of love.
Sharon A
Much love to you all. I have been holding you all in my heart and in my prayers and will continue to do so. Aila will be there to meet you one day.
So very heartbreaking and so beautifully written. Please accept my condolences on the passing of your beautiful daughter Aila. She has a wonderful loving family.
I just read your story and WOW! When my son was born he wasn’t breathing and his heart wasn’t beating. In the NICE they told me that he would not make it and even if he did that he would not ever breathe on his own. GOD gave me my miracle and slowly healed him I know what those weeks were like and how hard they were so I can only imagine how you must be feeling. I am so happy that you had those moments with her and have pictures to forever remember every line of her sweet face. I will keep your family in my prayers 🙂
Heidi Arthurton
I’m so very sorry for your loss. May God comfort your heart as He now holds in His arms the baby taken from yours. Love and prayers for your family.
Trisha Samseli
My heart aches for you and for your loss. Please know we are all holding you in our thoughts and God is holding sweet Aila in his love arms. She is so loved by all. I wish continued strength for you and am sending my prayers. Much love to you and your family. XOXOXO
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Don’t cry for me, my loved ones,
I die: God’s by your side!
And why should you be saddened?
In His Kingdom I abide….
Think of your heav’nly Father,
His Glory always see.
You have God as your adviser.
Why should you grieve for me?
Your generosity continues to awe and inspire me. I can only imagine going through what your family has endured, and I can’t imagine sharing it with anyone, let alone share how much you have with all of us.
Our hearts ache for your family and while there’s nothing anyone can do to remove the pain, I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say that I hope you know how much your willingness to share has meant. You’ve dedicated your life to helping other people improve their lives, and each of them sends you thoughts of peace, love and comfort now.
Rest in Peace Aila Jane Walker.
Precious…all of it…you, your family, your honesty, your vulnerability, your faith. You are blessing so many people by sharing your life…real life…with others. Thank you for being you and doing what you do. with a heart of tears and hope.
Sherry Lyon
Oh I am so sorry. I pray for you and your family.
It has been 10 years for us. I often think about how I will have to wait a lifetime to hold my daughter again. I am grateful that I know how precious my children are. I am also grateful for the wisdom that has come with such deep grief. I remember looking down at her face and knowing that I had never seen such beauty. I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you and your husband are thought of. Aila Jane certainly was precious and beautiful. So glad you got to bond so deeply with her these last couple of months.
I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this difficult time.
I am blown away by your families faith and how blessed Aila was to have you as her mother. Many of us could not fathom going through this pain…you are a strong, inspirational woman. May you feel comforted by Jesus Christ and his never ending love and grace.
I cry for you. I send you my love. I too lost a precious Ayla. My darling girl waits for me, that I know for sure. Until I see her again I honor her memory by being the best mother to her brothers that I can be.
I wish you all the love and strength in the world to get through such an unfathomable time.
Christi Phipson
Danielle, your little Aila has touched so many lives and I am so deeply moved by your courage and faith. May Jesus comfort you each day and give you strength to deal with the pain. With love from Australia xx
So very, very sorry. You must be in a world of pain. A big squeeze from across the seas. Ruth
Oh my goodness. I just purchased your cookbook yesterday (absolutely love it and am thankful for it) and read the news of your daughter on your website today. My second son was stillborn at 37 weeks so grieving the loss of a child is not foreign to me. Please remember that men and women grieve differently. I recommend you and your husband read “Swallowed By A Snake” by Thomas R. Golden. It explains the grieving process for men. There are many grief books written by women. Also, remember to be gentle with yourself. The phases of grief are similar but everyone’s journey is different. Sounds like you have a lot of mementos and memories of Aila. You will treasure them always as you learn to “parent” her through the years. As the pain fades, it becomes fun coming up with ways to honor/parent her. You have a great start with the fundraiser! I will think of you and pray for you often as I cook these delicious meals from your cookbook.
“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” Numbers
My heart is breaking for you… I am praying for you and your family.
I’m so very sorry for your loss.
I hope you find the strength to hold on to all the beautiful memories you had with her.
She will always be with you.
Penny L. Phipps Ngai
Bless you for giving that dear girl the love God would’ve desired for her. Bless you for going against the desires of modern medicine to do things the way God would want you to. God will bless you through this and into eternity for loving this little soul so much. Prayers going up to help you and your loved ones with the inevitable sadness you will experience at times.
The photos are beautiful. I wept for the pain and joy I know you felt.
Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Diane Stortz
I am so sorry, and thank you for your wonderful testimony of faith despite your sorrow.
hugs and prayers. thank you for the wonderful example of Jesus’s love.
I too lost a child and to explain it in words is impossible. I hope you find peace and comfort during this time.
OMG!! My deepest simpaty to you and your family. I wish to the bottom of my heart that you never have to go thru this pain, its a pain the never goes away, not even by time, I lost my baby a 3 weeks 2 years ago and the pain and sorrow still there. I will keep you guys on my prayers. God bless you :'(
My heart breaks for you and your family. I know that there are no words to take the pain away of this loss, there never will be. There is only comfort in the fact that she is with God now and free from the pain. It’s those who are left who have to endure, and yea it sucks. I won’t sugar coat that. When we lost my big brother, the most helpful words were “One day at a time.” And that is my advice to you, One day at a time.
I am so sorry for your loss! There are no words to say to you and your family. My heart goes out to all of you. May her little soul now be your guiding angel!! May she feel no more pain and always be in your heart. I am sending lots of love your way! GOD Bless all of you.
Carol G
Hugs and prayers for you all.
Gayla Parker
May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus.~ Philippians 4:7
Holly M
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Danielle. May little Alia Jane rest in peace.
Our family was in a very similar situation to yours last year at almost the same time. We lost our son Thomas to 8 congenital heart defects. We flew to another hospital for a second opinion after our 20 week ultrasound and we so deeply devastated by the fact that his condition had actually become much worse in a few short weeks. He was born 1lb 1oz. Miraculously, he lived for 30 minutes after birth and we got to hold him and sing to him and let him know how much we love him. There was so much sadness but like you said, also so many blessings. Time really does help, though there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of our beautiful son.
I do know he looks over us and gave us his blessing as we conceived only four months after we lost him. We are expecting another boy and I am now 37 weeks pregnant.
Know that you are not alone and that grief takes time. You’ll never get over it, nor would you want to, but you will get through it. God bless you, your family and your angel baby. Xoxo
My thoughts are with you and your loved ones. May God give you much strength and comfort in the days ahead…
My deepest sympathies.
If you and your family are looking for a place to relax, reconnect, and continue on your healing journey with other families and couples experiencing similar grief, please come see me at Faith’s Lodge. http://Www.faithslodge.org.
God bless you…
dawn st louis
Danielle, I am in tears reading this tonight. Your family is in my prayers. It must be such a difficult time for all of you. Your strength in Jesus is amazing. The way you and your family have shared your story with so many unknown people is so amazing and so appreciated by so many. Your story may help others in the same position. Aila is a fortunate little girl to have had that time with you, your husband and son. Even though she was with you a short time she has blessed you for a lifetime. Keeping you in prayer.
Kate Holmes
Your love is beautiful. It will carry you through this sadness.
Becky Lewis
She is now perfect and whole! I have been aching and praying for you since reading about her condition. Your strength and gratefulness for the time you did have, are an inspiration to many. Your example of faith is remarkable. Thank you for sharing your story and allowing us to pray for, and with, you!
Cathy Hoag
Praying for your precious family.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter with all of us during such a very difficult & personal time for your family. My prayers & love go out to you as you grieve the loss of such a gift. I’m glad you know The Lord & the depth of His love & care for your family & Aila. She is surely resting in Heavenly Peace with Jesus Himself. I’m praying for heart to know “it’s going to be okay” and that “He will give you strength each day”. Thank you for bring real about your faith. It’s a testimony to all of us. May God Bless you with peace & joy. Thank you for being part of His story here on earth. Someday we will celebrate in paradise & you will be reunited with your sweet daughter. You did all the right things & showed her so much love. Every minute close to you counted. God sees. And He cares…He collects our tears & someday will be free of the pain of today. (((Hugs)))
Heartfelt sorrow for you and your family. Deeply touched, and saddened. Love your inspiration both faithfully, and in all you continue to do for nourishing ideas to your followers via healthful recipes…I wish you peace and strength and joy and forever memories of your baby girl.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. My heart aches for you and you are in my prayers.
I am praying for you guys! Oh how my heart is aching for you. Just think about the perfect day when you will all be together as a family again. If only we could see God’s plan during the tough times, but it will make it that much sweeter in the end (beginning).
Danielle I am so so sorry 🙁 I am praying for you and your family. You are an amazing beautiful person. We will be here to support you!
So very sorry for your loss. I remember what it’s like to pace the floor in the middle of the night wanting your baby that never came home. My thoughts and prayers are truly with you.
My heart to all of you on a life well loved and well lived
Danielle, I never ever post on these things but I feel a need to say something 🙂 You have changed my life through your book and my view of food. I have battled my weight my entire life and until now, I have always lost and I am forever grateful! To never have actually met you and you’ve had such an impact on my life, its pretty amazing! Thank you will never be enough. Please know that I am praying for you, as someone who has lost a baby, there is nothing anyone can say that truly helps with that pain. But you my friend gave that sweet baby girl the absolute perfect life, she never felt hunger, pain, sadness, rejection, cold or fear. She only felt warmth, love, happiness and everyone of her needs were met without even blinking an eye, and YOU gave that to her. She literally lived the perfect life and went straight to the arms of our heavenly father. My mom called him “the ultimate baby sitter”:) I am praying for you and for real praying for you, not just saying it.
I found this story through Facebook and even though I’ve never read your blog before I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how truly sorry I am for you and that I will be praying for you. A little less than a year ago I lost my first daughter to SIDS when she was only 2 days old. Although it was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through I experienced peace from God like I have never experienced before. I pray that you find that same peace that only He can give!
My heart goes out to you and your family. I believe you will see her beautiful soul again. In the meantime, keep your chin up. xo
As a fellow mom with a precious angel baby in heaven, I just want you to know that there are several angel moms here who are grieving with you. It has been almost 3 years since we lost our sweet boy. I love what you are doing to honor your Aila’s memory. I feel like our greatest gift to them is to live life to the fullest for them even as you often feel that a piece of you died with them. I am so sorry for your loss.
I am immensely touched by the courage and grace in which you, as a family have embraced life and loss. What a loving and beautiful example you set. You do indeed honor your precious girl. Thank you for allowing us to share in this with you.
Danielle, I have been following your story and praying for you and your family. There are no words to comfort you in a time such as this, but this song has comforted me in a very trying time that I have been going through. I pray it speaks to you as well.https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=kp&v=UUELr1roiBY
Oh sweetie, I am so sorry for your family’s loss! I have been following Aila’s story and was hoping and praying it was not as bad as they thought, and little Aila would be alright after all. I am so glad you were able to spend some time with her in this life. I gasped at the beautiful photos posted above – they speak to your love and faith. Blessings!
Paula S
Danielle, my heart goes out to your husband Ryan and your son Asher; all of you missing your Angel with broken hearts. God has Aila,…she is whole, beautiful and watching over you all in Heaven. A best friend lost her son to a fetal defect, so I understand what you and your family must be experiencing. In her short time here, she touched you all with God’s Love…what a blessing.
I pray for you and your family, that Jesus covers you under His wings…and fills you with His peace, comfort and mercy.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I will continue to have you and your precious family in my thoughts and prayers. I help run an organization called Blankets for Brianna and we would love to send you a care package. If you could just send me an address to send it to I will get it right in the mail. Email me at [email protected]… Again all our love to you.
I know that no one can know how you feel at this horrific time in your life , even I can’t although my loss is also great , every situation is different and holds its own unique circumstances and just know that it seems unbearable and there will be times that you feel so completely out of control and sick and scared and alone and smothered all at the same time. It will get better day by day . I lost my son at 40 weeks the day after his due date right at 3 months ago and I still have very bad days. I tell myself that as bad as it has been it can always be worse. Hang in there if you ever need anything I understand some of the feelings you are feeling.
My heart is breaking with and for you. We, too, just lost our precious daughter. On May 13, I arrived for my routine 20-week ultrasound and was told that our baby had no heart beat. We were devastated. After a two-and-a-half day induction, I gave birth to our sweet Abigail Faith and we were able to hold her in our arms. I just want you to know, mother-to-mother, I know what you’re going through. I will hold you closely in prayer and cling to the fact that your beautiful Aila and my precious Abigail are being held in the loving arms of our Father.
O my gosh That was around The time with our daughter too the same exact thing!… Went in for 20 week found no heartbeat she was born sleeping May 7, 2014 3 oz
6 1/2 in long… Baby Jude…but you poor thing 2 1/2 days awww that must have been awful for you!:(was she your first? Is that why it took so long?…. Thankfully my only lasted 8 hours she is our 3 rd the nurses and drs could not get why I wanted to go all natural with a dead baby I kept saying I had my other 2 drug free and no pain meds I’m not treating this baby any different cause it’s dead! My heart also goes out to u and your family prayers:)
marcia feisal
Gracious Lord wrap your arms around this sweet young woman and her family as she mourns her baby Jude. Jesus loves the little children and He is there to held all of the little ones. Peace be with you.
marcia feisal
My our Heavenly Father wrap his arms around you and your family as you mourn for your Abigail Faith, such a beautiful name.
I am incredibly sorry for your loss, my heart aches for you and your family. Prayers that Jesus will bless you with a peace that passes all understanding as you walk through this grief. Thank you for the ways that you so richly bless others!!
Dear Danielle. I am moved to tears as I read your heartbreaking story, yet ‘hear’ the beauty of your spirit woven through every word. How precious you are to our God!…and how He weeps with you for you pain.
Thank you for your constant example of abundant love and generosity, in your life and in your cooking…I – along with so many thousands – are so greatly impacted, inspired and encouraged by it.
Bless you, dear girl. I, along with so many others, have been thinking of and praying for you and your family, and will continue to do so. I look forward to the incredible joy and privilege of spending eternity with you one day, and meeting your beautiful Aila.
With much love,
Lizzie Lane.
PS: There is a wonderful book called ‘Heaven is For Real,’….when you feel able, I know this book has been a tremendous blessing to people in their loss. xxxxx
Cara Giacometti
Danielle, Ryan and Asher, I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Sadly, I know the deep heartbreak you are going through. My husband and I said goodbye to our daughter, Cecelia Grace, on May 25, 2014 while hospitalized at UCSF. I believe our little girls are dancing in Heaven. Wishing you strength and peace during this most difficult time.
Madeline Lugo Morales
May the LORD give you strength and carry you during this time. I have followed you and your story … I will continue to have you in my prayers.
Vanthara Somoulaylack
I am so sorry and deeply saddened for your loss. Sending my thoughts and prayers, and may God bless you and your sweet family.
My heart and prayers goes out to your family. I can’t imagine the pain you are going through and glad you were able to spend some time with your beautiful little girl.
I lost twin boys in 2007 and your words resonated so much and summed up how I felt perfectly. Time does heal a little but the sense of grief and loss used to hit me in gigantic waves that would stop me in my tracks…. My heart did mend and I went on to have a little rainbow and it healed a little more xxxx wishing you peace over the coming months xxxx love to you and your family xxxx
Beautiful girl, I am so very sorry! I’ve been so wrapped up lately in the sickness and passing of my Mom, I did not know you and your family were walking this road. I praise God you had the gift of NILMDTS in your life as you celebrated and mourned what could and would not be with your beautiful Aila Jane. 7.5 years ago they captured moments in time with our son, Noah Steven, that we cherish and look at every. single. day. so very grateful to have them, thankful he came into our lives, changed forever because of all of it. You and Ryan and Asher and family will be in my prayers…for God’s healing and comfort and grace and strength and for your hearts to soak in all He pours over you. I’m so very sorry your hearts are aching so…xoxox
Helen Alderson
A Child Loaned by Edgar Guest provided tremendous comfort to me and my husband when we lost our precious Sarah.
This is so bittersweet for you . There are no words, really.
We, too celebrated Sarah’s time with us as you do Aila’s. We are grateful she has returned and is whole in the kingdom of heaven. Despite what her short time taught her, she was certainly sent to teach.
Love and prayers for your family,
The Alderson’s
Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers since I first read your initial blog post. I am crying with and for you tonight as I did when I read the first. I will continue to pray for you all in your healing and I am grateful for your example of love and faith during this heart-wrenching time.
Jana Melinda
My heart is so broken for your family tonight as I read your story. My deepest sympathies and loving prayers go out to you. Those photos are priceless and moved me to tears. Praying for overwhelming peace and comfort….
Danielle, little Aila was blessed to have a wonderful mom like you!
Thinking of you all through this tough time.
But, “rejoice in Lord always.i will say it again, rejoice” philippians 4vs 4. and remember “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” much love to you as a family x. Rouvè in South Africa
As a mother… I have followed your story with many tears, knowing just how heart-wrenching this is for you. I am full of joy that you were able to meet and hold your sweet baby girl. I want you to know that I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you will get to see your Aila again. I have a strong testimony that families are eternal. We will be together with loved ones after this life is over. What I have to offer for comfort is my faith. I believe you will find comfort in the words on this site: https://www.mormon.org/faq/topic/family/question/mormon-families
Please check it out. It brings me peace at all times to know that I will be with my family for eternity. I love you. Jesus loves you. He is aware of you and your tiny baby. He knows your need, sees into your heart, and can heal you.
I am sending you all my positive thoughts… :-* She was loved and she will never be forgotten. Thinking of you and your family :-*
Aila Jane is beautiful. Love just radiates from you all. Thank you for sharing Aila with us.
Daphne Populiers
A big warm hug to you Danielle, your husband, your son and the rest of the family. How courageous of you to capture these incredible difficult moments of the last weeks in pictures. It will forever tell the story of Aila and your love for one another. Blessings and lots of love!
Sally Smalley
My heart is with you. I have also held my daughter in my arms, she was still born at 1lb 1oz. God showed me that even though her life was really short, it did matter. He showed me a tiny pebble being dropped in water sending ripples out and out.
Jennifer Harris
Danielle, this was absolutely beautiful. I am so deeply sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers.
Thank you for being so transparent with your readers and allowing us the privilege to walk beside you through this joyfully painful time. As many have said before, there are no words of comfort that can help ease the pain and ache right now; but just know that prayers are being sent to the only One who can truly bring peace and comfort. I know it doesn’t ease the ache of longing here on earth but I know Aiyla is being held now by the loving hands of God our Father, and you will one day run and play with her in the green fields of heaven. Even though we don’t know each other, your story has inspired and encouraged so many of us. May The Lord wrap you in His arms today and fill you with His peace that surpasses our understanding.
As a mother I am both deeply and profoundly saddened by your loss and your grief, and so beautifully inspired by the depth of your love for your daughter. Her short life had beauty, purpose, joy, and dignity. I will continue to lift your family up in prayer through your grief.
Mary Esther
Tears are washing down my face as I read. Praying for you and will continue to in the days ahead…
Sonya M. Frymoyer
Ryan, Danielle, and Asher, there are no words. I have been praying for your family since I read of your baby girl. I too am a believer in Jesus Christ and praise the Lord she is with him and knows no pain, only peace & love. May you feel His never ending love around you during this difficult time.
Sending you so much love and praying for your family. Bless you!
Megan White
The beauty and the pain of this is simply overwhelming. Aila was loved, and that makes her short life the sweetest of all that could be. Your strength and passion is truly inspiring.
Staci Ainsworth
your daughter was so richly blessed to have you in her life, no matter how brief. i will keep you all in my prayers and rest assured that sweet aila is being snuggled in her fully-restored heavenly body. jeremiah 29:11
I am so sorry for your family’s loss. My deepest sympathies to you all. (((hugs)))
I am soooo sorry for your loss. Your whole family will be in our prayers. You will be reunited with your precious daughter one day of that we are sure.
When we lost our granddaughter after just 4 short hours, our only comfort was in the resurrection. Without that, we have no hope.
Since then, I have found this song to be of comfort though not a Christian song. GOD BLESS YOU! (((hug )))
Danielle, the overwhelming love as well as pain was felt heavily on my heart while I was reading your post. You are loved perfectly Sister, by an amazing God who will continue to lift you and your family. Your faith and confidence in our Lord and Savior is awe-inspiring. No tear will go un-noticed; He will catch them all and comfort you. My children and I will keep you in our prayers. Sending you love.
Our family can understand a little of your grief as we lost our second son under similar circumstances nearly two years ago. I can only say I promise you that you will breathe again. There will be joy in life again even as the grief comes in waves. Don’t let anyone rush you through that grief, embrace it. Many people mean well and do or say things that are not well thought out, but find the grace to love them for their intentions. The memories you tried so hard to create with her while she was still with you will be of comfort in those moments when your heart breaks again and again. We are so sorry that your family must suffer this terrible loss, but we treasure her short life with you and will hold your family in our hearts.
Tanis Scott
So sorry for your loss, Danielle, but happy you got to spend some time with Aila. Thinking of you and your family as you navigate your way through this difficult time.
Stacey Wall
Your story, though wrought with unimaginable pain and tears,
is a beautiful image of Jesus. His light shines through you and will continue to shine through the legacy your beautiful baby girl left in her fleeting moments on this earth. Prayers with all who love your family and your sweet baby girl and that the God of all mercy, grace and peace will bless you with comfort through the days ahead knowing that you will hold your precious baby girl again one day.
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your
bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. Psalm 56:8 (NLT)
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm
147:3 (NIV)
I have never read such beautiful words. I’m sending you and your family all the love I have in my heart. I hope the beautiful hours spent with Aila will bring you and your husband peace. God bless you all.
My heart goes out to you. I recently lost my baby too. It is hard. My little boy often tells me he’s sorry my baby died. Prayers for you and yours.
Kim Nelson
Warm and loving support to you, Ryan, Asher and Aila.
Rebecca E. Abreu
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Aila Jane. My daughter was stillborn, and through her death I met another loss Momma whose daughter, Leta Blue, passed away due to OI. Sending you all the love in the world. There are people all over the globe who are uplifting you in warm thoughts, today and always. xoxo
I can imagine no greater heartache. Jesus be a balm of healing and hope to you. Your story is beautiful even in the pain.
No words can take away the pain you feel at the loss of your precious baby girl. Know that she rests in the arms of Jesus and is free of any defect. You WILL see her again. Prayers for you and your family.
Sharon Erickson
I wish there were words that could be said to bring you peace. I can tell you from experience that it will get easier. Lately I feel my son around me more then in the past he had been gone for 37 years. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, and I pray you feel the Lord’s love in your heart.
There are no words to express how broken my mother’s heart is for you. I only hope and pray that peace and joy will be brought into your lives when you feel Aila’s presence with you. She is running and playing with the angles and at the feet of Jesus. God bless you and your family
Kathy B
My heart grieves with you — I have walked in your shoes. Aila’s life was short, but none the less, treasured by your family and by God, in whose arms this precious soul is held for eternity — safe and secure. A friend of mine wrote this little book — perhaps it could help to soothe your anguish, though I know from experience, time is needed. It is called “Little One Lost.” https://www.amazon.com/Little-One-Lost-Living-Infant/dp/1935369059/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1404408654&sr=1-1&keywords=little+one+lost
I am so sorry. My heart aches for your family; I am praying that God puts his arms around you with strength and comfort.
God Bless your and your family at this difficult time, with your baby girl safely in the arms of Jesus.
Amy C Keffer
There are truly no words. I ache for your loss, Danielle. I’m thankful you have such a deep faith to hold you upright during what no one should have to endure, and I’ll continue to be in prayer for you and your family. I hope the love and prayers of so many strangers brings some small measure of comfort.
Ellen Hall Saunders
My prayers are with you.
Jenifer Wheeler Walsh
Prayers and love to all of you.
I’m going to tell you a little story of the day my son died of SIDS. I had 2 kids a year apart. While the kids dad was changing my 1 year old, he looked into Colton’s crib and saw this cloud come out of his mouth. He reached down and stuck his finger in the middle of it. It opened up like a donut, then went straight up to heaven. He just saw his soul rise to the heavens. I am so very thankful for the 3 months and 2 days that I had with my son on this earth, and I too, look to the day that I can join him in heaven.
My heart aches for you guys. I’ve been praying whole heartedly that God would intervene. I hate that He chose to take her home, but alas we don’t know the Lords plans despite our wonderings. I’m so sorry you are having to face such tremendous loss. I am thankful that God seems to have brought you peace & you are striving to have a positive outlook. I will continue to pray for you daily.
Danielle , I am so sorry I send my love , kindness ,hugs and blessings.I hope you feel better Quinn. p.s. I am eight.
Kathleen Kahl
There are no words. Thank you so much for sharing Aila’s story. I know she is with Jesus and what a happy reunion you will all have one day. You are spreading Jesus’ word by writing this and your fund raiser. I hope that brings you some piece in the difficult times.
I will pray for you all.
I am so, so sorry to hear this. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. I’m not good with words, so please forgive me – I just wanted to express that I’m sending positive thoughts & love your way.
My heart breaks for you Danielle. You are such an inspiration with your strength and faith. We are praying for you and your family through this difficult time. Know that God is right there by your side and will carry you when you can no longer stand. Many hugs, love and prayers sent your way.
Marcos Garcia-Ojeda
Danielle, I’m so sorry for your loss. I lack the words to express how deeply touched I am by you and your family. God bless you and give you guys the strength and comfort to continue forward.
Patti Hankinson
I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Aila Jane..please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers..this is so heartbreaking to read but Aila now has a perfect body and is with Jesus..she will always be with you..
Diana Kline
I have been where you are. Thank you for sharing your story so others in similar circumstances can be brave and assured that there is peace and joy in that little life.
Prayers and love.There are no words. May the Lord bring comfort.
Danielle, I too have cried as I read your posts and followed your story. From one mom to another I send you the biggest of hugs and all the love and support your way. I have prayed and will continue to pray for you, your husband, and your sweet little boy. You have already become an inspiration to so many for what you’ve been through with your health. Now your inspiration will touch even more lives. Aila is most definitely in the arms of Jesus and I know he is loving on her like crazy. I planned to purchase your next book but I will definitely do it sooner rather than later to honor sweet Aila, who was your assistant through the making of it. 🙂 I will also be donating in her honor.
Achama U
Danielle, I have been reading some of the comments and find that I can
really add no words to those which have already been given so
Accept to send you a hug and kiss from across the seas and say
“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.”
2 Thessalonians 3: 16
Jessica Bahny
Oh, Danielle- i can’t express the grief I feel for you and your family. We were so blessed to share in Aila’s little life with you. My heart aches for you. You and your family will be in my prayers. We all love you so much.
It’s hard to put in words what to say, but thank you for opening your heart, for showing the life you chose to give your baby girl even though I am sure it was very difficult, it is very moving! I will continue to lift you and your family up during this time of great difficulty.
God bless you and your family. Your faith is a shining light to the world. Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful pictures. I lost a child before birth. You never stop thinking about what could have been. And then 31 years later (to the day!) a grandchild was born to turn a day remembered with sadness into a blessing. God is so good.
So glad you have the eternal hope of sharing the next life with Alia. I cannot fathom the pain and grief that comes with the loss of a child; my prayers are with you and your family as you walk through the process. May grace and mercy from an everlasting, almighty God be yours each day.
This was hard to read due to tears. If you Google Grace Coolidge “Open Door”, you will find the poem she wrote about losing her son. I often send this in sympathy cards, but it is too long for this note. I also recall her comment on her son’s short life (16 years): she felt blessed for the time he was with them. So should we all value the time with our families and friends and communities like this. Blessings and peace to you and your family.
Dayna Webb
I’m so sad for you and so sorry for your loss. We lost our baby girl, Eva Lucia, 18 months ago, and I’m all too familiar with the painful road you’re walking. It may be too soon, but I have a blog where I wrote about my loss of Eva, and where I’ve posted a video my husband and I made for our church. I know I wanted to connect with others who had been there, so if you do, too, you can find our story here: : https://daynawebb.wordpress.com/2014/06/25/our-video/
I’m praying for you and your family.
Prayers of peace for your beautiful angel and your family. No one should ever know the pain caused by the loss of a child. You are not alone. So many love you and support you. You did so much with her in the short time she was with you. She will live in your hearts forever. xoxxo
Praying for the love of God to be so close right now in your time of loss. Look up Christa Black, she is beautiful godly woman who has a blog that has journeyed the loss of her baby daughter this year to ancephal
God be with you and your family. Your faith is a shining light in this world. Thank you for sharing your story and the beautiful pictures. I lost a child before birth. You never stop thinking about what could have been. And then 31 years later (to the day!) a grandchild was born to turn a day remembered with sadness into a day of great joy. What a blessing! God is so good!
Danielle, Ryan and Asher,
I cry for you due to your loss but rejoice bc of how strong your faith is and that one day you will all b reunited. She knew love and has love by you, by our Heavenly Father and the others who have passed on. She’s surrounded by love till you hold her in your arms again in paradise. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of you and your family. I hold you in my prayers and heart.
Danielle, Thank you for sharing your life with us. Please read Angie Smith’s blog if you haven’t already. Your stories are similar https://angiesmithonline.com/2008/01/the-beginning-of-the-story/ and the song, “I will carry you”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlDUkp1Ts8A&feature=kp
I lost my first baby at 7 and 1/2 months…Chaya…was her name and it means life in Hebrew. She was born at 3 pounds. We also chose to focus on the joy she brought our life. I am wrapping you up with love and warmth so that you can heal as God intends. So sorry for your loss and saddness.
I’m sorry this happened to you guys. Praying for you.
Love and Light
I lost a baby to a fatal defect as well, and I share my birthday with your daughter. My baby died 14 years ago, and I still feel the loss in a physical way when his birthday comes around each year. His short life inside me had profound meaning, and like you, I find ways to honor his memory. My heart aches for you. I hope you find comfort in the arms of friends and family.
You have brought so much joy and comfort to my family through your hard work and your dedication to helping others. I can only say your daughter was a very lucky little girl to have you taking care of her. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Xxx
Danielle, I’m sitting here crying as I look at the pictures. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. She will always be with you and watching over you as a little beautiful angel. You have such amazing strength. God bless both of you.
Hereta Cervantes
I am truly sorry for you loss. I got really emotional reading this blog especially since we are starting IVF next week and was just told that I am carrier for spinal muscular atrophy. My husband just got tested yesterday and we are hoping for good news. Your pictures made me cry especially the one where your husband was holding the baby. Stay strong and know that we are all feeling the pain and sorrow with you.
My prayers are with you and your family. I’m so sorry for your loss. <3
My deepest condolences to your family during this devastating time. Sending you love and light during this time.
Peggy Patterson Hughes
Danielle, my precious granddaughter, Mary, was born into this world and lived 44 days. I can understand how sweet little Aila changed your family’s lives in ways you could never have imagined. I pray for God’s peace and presence to comfort you in the days to come. This is the link to the words my son spoke at Mary’s funeral: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/maryelizabethvick/journal/view/id/51be897a6ca0044330002668
If you have time to read them, I pray they will comfort your heart.
You are in my thoughts and prayers! What a remarkable women and family you are!! Heavenly Father is watching over you and bless you! It’s such a blessing to know that families can be together forever and your little girl is waiting for you and your family.
Thank you for sharing such personal photos into your lives – and sharing your story – in tears reading this – sending huge hugs from Australia – blessings to you and your gorgeous family and holding on to gorgeous memories of your little girl – I wish you well – with love Sarah x
Suzanne Burden
Lifting prayers just this minute. Grace and peace as you celebrate her life and grieve her passing.
My heart breaks for you all, and the pictures you shared are so moving. We all ache for the time that Jesus makes things new and right again; I am so thankful for your faith that will carry you though, but I know that your pain right now is unimaginable. My love and prayers are with you all.
Melanie Wade
I just saw the beautiful picture of you and precious angel, Aila Jane….I am soooo deeply sorry, as well as humbled and inspired by your incredible faith. Some things we never get to understand while upon this earth, as for now, “we see in a glass darkly”…and it is promised that one day “we shall see in full”. For now, I grieve for your loss along with you…. And I truly believe that God is using your heartbreaking trial to speak to legions of us who do not even know you….why? I do not know, but He has promised to never give us more than we can handle, and He knows that you are able, by His grace — and more importantly, that you are shining that light into the darkness. Aila had a special mission, as I am most sure that you already understand, even in the midst of such sorrow and pain…Her life matters, even if very brief. Her story has touched us to the marrow, and it will continue to be part of a living testimony as long as you walk this earth. And once you take your final breath here, you will step into Joy, reunited with Aila, never to sorrow again. I love the words of Donna’s post below mine…in fact, as I read so many of the posts, it just puts me in awe that sooooo very many hearts and lives are being touched by Aila and by your family. You will be richly rewarded some day; please believe and trust that! For now, may you feel the power of Jesus’ love as you walk this trail of tears that only time and grace can make better. This ‘human condition’…there is no escaping it whilst upon this earth. But we are promised that “eye hath not seen, no, nor ear hath not heard…nor can we even begin to imagine of the glories that God hath prepared for us…” Holding your family in my prayers…Melanie, a friend in Indiana xoxoxoxo
You have touched on so many aspects of God as He connects with us while we walk through difficult times. (grace, faithfulness, abiding love, steadfastness, eternal life) Thank you for sharing your encouraging thoughts.
Regina Vivanco
Thank you for giving her the gift of life! God knows the plan while we may not understand it all the time, it helps ease the pain when we follow Him. May God continue to walk by your side and bring your family peace. I had a nephew that lived 13 days and every bit of time spent with him was worth it. God Bless! Thank you again for sharing your story!
Im in tears reading about your precious daughter. We have 4 angels in the arms of the father and there is always room for more . He is the ultimate father with no end to his love,compassion and comfort. He will hold you too. Lots of hugs and prayers to you all at this time.
Jenn Robinson
Big hugs from our family to yours. May God’s healing arms give you comfort. There just are no words.
Brenna Ash
I’m so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Victoria Haller Cannoles
hugs, love and prayers to Aila Jane, you and your family…
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
What an incredible and compassionate woman you are. I can’t imagine having to make the decision you have been faced with.
God be with you and your family. Your faith is a shining light in this world. Thank you for sharing your story and beautiful pictures. I lost a child before birth. You never stop thinking about what could have been. And then 31 years later (to the day!) a grandchild was born to turn a day remembered with sadness into one of great joy. What a blessing and a gift from the One who cares.
Kirsten Michelle Petermann
Having experienced the loss of an infant (we had 16 days with our son), I know only all too well that there is nothing that can be said, nothing to be done that will make this easier. I thank you for letting us get these peeks into your life and your grief and your love for your daughter. Rest, grieve, breathe. Blessings & peace to you.
My heart breaks for your sweet Aila and your beautiful family. May her little light always shine bright.
Deepest and most sincere prayers for your family. We’ve been there. And wouldn’t wish the worst of it on anyone, but would wish the best of it on everyone. There is beauty from the ashes. Much love, peace, and rejoicing – knowing where she is.
Dorothy Inman
I too am grieving the loss of my daughter, Ezraela Eaven, who was born on December 31 at 18 weeks. Thank you for being so brave and sharing thier story. I pray the God of all comfort will comfort you during this time. Many hugs and love.
Jenni Gordon
As a mom, it’s hard to read this without tears in my eyes. Thank you Danielle for sharing your story which will no doubt help others. Your generosity in such a difficult time speaks to what incredible people you both are. Lots of continued prayers and love to your family.
If there is anything I can do just let me know . sorry for your lose .
Hugs, hugs, hugs x a million
I have been enjoying your book so much, and was so sad to hear of your beautiful Aila’s short journey. It must be very difficult to grieve in such a public light. Our little boy was born still just over four years ago. It has been a very difficult journey and at times I thought I wouldn’t be able to find the light. I will be praying for you as you pass through these months and years of grief and emptiness. Four years down the road, my heart has settled into a place of peace, with calm grief and love accompanying my thoughts of him. Press into your grief and wait for the Lord to carry you out. He will lead you on. I’m so so so very sorry.
Raechel Wuthrich
You’ve been so gracious with sharing your story with the world. I recently found your blog and it has given me so much hope with knowing I can live free of my autoimmune disease. Thankyou, for sharing your heart with us, and your sweet Alia. May The Lord bless you and keep you, may his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, may The Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Meghan Kelsey
Sweet Momma, I just found out about your blog and the painful loss of your daughter. Your story is so similar to mine; I lost my son 2 hours after his birth due to a fatal disorder. I looked at your beautiful pictures and the tears started; I was brought right back to that painful time. I just want you to know that I’m so tremendously sorry for your loss. Our only hope is that we will see our precious babies soon. Hugs, Momma.
precious baby girl. So sorry for your loss.
La Vonne
What a beautiful example of God’s love for all to see. You have shown that you can still have joy amidst pain. Even though we do not know each other, I feel a special bond with you as a Christian and I am so proud of you for example of faith!! Keep up the good work of helping others as you journey this life and know you are loved and admired by so many! My continued prayers for you and your family.
Blessings, La Vonne
Christy Ortiz
May God bless your family & help guide you over this emotional time. You are an inspiration to all & very thankful for helping us all now may we all come together and help you!
From love to live, from live to love. Bless you all
My heart breaks for you and your family during this difficult time, I lost my baby Harper on Feb 25th, 2014 and wouldn’t wish this journey on anyone. Thank you for sharing your story and grieving out loud, this is something I have been doing to honor my baby and all other babies and mothers who need the courage to talk about them. The hole in your heart will always be missing your sweet angel, but you will get through this and you’re doing amazing things to honor her memory. Remember this is your journey and there is no time limit as to how you travel it, do what feels right for you and know there is a whole community of mothers willing to walk with you. Sending much healing and many hugs to you and your family.
Diana Simpson
I have three grandbabies in heaven – it is good to know they are safe in the arms of God.
There will be much rejoicing in heaven when we all meet on that glorious day!
Kristina Spehert
I am so deeply sorry for your loss of your sweet baby girl. It is very hard to lose a child. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you take this journey together. We list our child inutero and her name is Isla Rose. I could help but think that my little girl was there to help meet yours as she took her last breaths. What a beautiful name for a very sweet little girl.
I’m so sorry.
My heart goes out to you and your family I went threw almost the same thing our baby girl Jude was born sleeping (stillborn) so tiny and perfect… May 7 2014 paryers:)
As everyone else has said, there are no words. My heart breaks for you, and I’m deeply sorry for your loss. Hold tight to the fact that Aila knew she was loved and will forever live on with your family keeping her memory alive. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Your family is in our prayers! My 5 sisters and I have been following you by your cookbook and your website for a while now while dealing with our own health and conception issues. You have become a household name for us. When we read about Aila, our hearts were breaking for you! We are so happy that you had a chance to meet her and hold her! We will continue to pray for all of you and keep learning from your healthy food ideas. God Bless!
S. Chapman
My heart aches for you and your family. This is a pain I know as well. Praying for peace and comfort for your grieving hearts.
Becky Winkler
Danielle, I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts, and I am very impressed by the grace and beauty of how you are handling this extremely difficult time.
You gave Aila a beautiful life. Thank you for sharing your story.
Rachel Wiegand Whiteley
Your pictures bring back memories and tears. Praying for peace and that His angels would minister to you in your grief.
Pam Chapin
Beautiful pictures………..God just knew best ………I’ll pray for you & your family . God is GOOD !! May you find some peace in your heart , love is all she knew ,thanks to a wonderful set of parents & God !! R.I.P. sweet Aila !!
Hilary Putnam Barrett
My heart aches for you and your husband. My husband and I lost our son Gabriel 1/13/10. Our babies are in the arms of Jesus. This helped comfort me the nights when I laid in bed screaming and crying for my son to be back in my arms. It also comforts me knowing that I will see his sweet face again in heaven. The nights were the hardest for me, when the house was quiet and everyone was alseep. But over time, the healing process from God set in. I pray you take the time to heal, go through all the emotions. Let your husband do the same. There were nights that my husband and I cried together, holding tight onto each other. The picture of you two crying as your husband holds your sweet girl brings back so much much emotion, it is such a beautiful moment between you two that will make the bond you two have so much stronger. <3
Margaret Jo Mihalik Ledbetter
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read in my life, I have never lost a child, I almost lost my son at age 26, but, I had 26 years to love him if I had lost him, I thank God every day that I didn’t loose my son, and I cherish every minute with my son and our future together makes me so sad for Aila’s parents, my heart goes out to you both and my thoughts and prayers will remain with you in the weeks and months to come that are so very difficult. I am so, so sorry this has happened to you’re little angel. I will keep you in prayer… Amen.
Hugs. I cannot imagine your pain.
We thought we would lose our sweet Emily to a rare genetic disorder but have been blessed with 14 years. I will give her a extra hug in honor of your daughter.
Take care…..
Chase 'N Butterflies
Your story moved me to tears and what an amazing story…you welcomed her into your hearts and lives before she was ever born and made memories. People will tell you time heals all wounds but I believe everyone’s heart heals in their own way and in their own time, and for some the pain never goes away. My husband and I lost our baby boy Chase at about 24 weeks, 23 years ago due to a Dandy Walker malformation of the brain. I am a different person today after this loss, and hopefully a better one. I started a business about 5 years ago and named it after him (Chase ‘N Butterflies), and I raise butterflies now and have met many people needing butterflies for their child’s funeral. I can now be that voice on the other end of the phone who truly understands their pain and sorrow. While I still cry when I see pictures or hear others’ stories, I smile when I see Chase’s name and the butterflies released. Thank you for sharing your story and starting the foundation.
Heather Rochelle Chandler
So sorry for you and your husband’s loss. 🙁 *hugs*
We lost our son almost a year ago It was the morning of the day after his due date that I had last felt him move I went in the next day cause I started to panic we found out there was no longer a heart beat I chose to be induced right away I had him three days later he was perfect in every way I dont think the pain will ever go away it was always be there its been almost a year and I still have hard times but u grow alot stronger and u learn to live with the pain to were it dont overcome your life
These are the same words that I told my son when he learned he had a twin brother, I hope you will find them as comforting as he did. A lot of people go through their life’s with an angel looking over them, but they will never know their name, you however do know their name, and that is a very special gift, one that can never be taken from you.
I’m sooo sorry to hear of the passing of your baby girl, I was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta type 3. Just know that your little girl is looking over you pain free 🙂
It is one of the most beautiful stories. When I was 3months my son’s heart quit beating and I lost him. I cannot imagine what you went through I know you were able to hold her but…
I lost my son June 24 2004 at 36 wks. I’m so sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you and your husband and family. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and I know my Alex gave her a big hug as they are birthday buddies
Hi , oh lord please know this child is with Jesus and know you guys are being prayed for in my life .. Lori
Sarah Hamilton Karnouk
I am so sorry, my prayers are with you
Praying for you and your family
God bless your family. I pray you will continue to feel surrounded and held. What a gift to know that she is in the arms of Jesus until you are reunited with her. Alia is perfect in heaven.
Jayne Hagan Hazlip
Just want to say how sorry I am for your loss. Still praying! I know, like you do, that Aila is dancing in heaven. You will one day see her again…whole! I look forward to meeting her up there also. Your story has deeply touched me. May God bless you and keep you, especially at this time.
I’m so glad. God gave me that when a friend lost her full term baby boy..the only one she could ever have. While we have intense sadness the baby has never known that. And never will. Blessings for your heart to heal. With love overflowing and full of wonder.
i’m so sorry for you loss 🙁 my daughter lillian was stillborn at 38 weeks in 2012. it was the most heartbreaking experience of my life, but i promise you that you will smile, laugh, and enjoy life again. i’m praying for you and your family <3
Just wanted to say that each times when I think of you and your beautiful Aila I got tears in my eyes even though I know she is with Jesus. When I heard of late Rich Mullin’s song of Bound to Come Some Trouble, I thought of you and your family and tears comes down again. Hold on tight to Jesus for He has overcome the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIVX1RHpkrE
My name is Rachel. I knkw the feeling of loosing your child. I lost my precious angel Leah when she was 2 months and 21 days old to SIDS. There is no cure and they can not find a cause. My words of wisdom from one grieving mother to another that it dont get easier with the time. But you do stop crying and you do move on. Though you will never forget her, you live through her memory. Its been two yeats that i lost her and i still have dreams about her. Remember these words, ” Those we held in our arms for a short while, we hold in our hearts forever.”
My husband and I did not think we could have children but were leasantly surprised when just shy of our 14th anniversary we gave birth to a healthy baby boy. In 2010 he was diagnosed with autism. In June of 2012 I found out I was expecting again and we were beyond excited until we lost it at 8 weeks. We were devastated. The hurt was so deep and painful. I have always wondered if my husband’s diagnosis of Osteogenesis Imperfecta had anything to do with it. God bless you and comfort you.
you are an amazing woman.
I am so sorry for your loss. I pray you know the Lord’s comfort more than ever during this time of healing. Blessings to you and your family.
Jennifer Unruh Cary
Praying for the peace that passes all understanding as you go through this traumatic and painful time. We, also lost two twin boys at 27 weeks along. Brandon lived for 4 hours and died in my arms. Our other baby boy had already passed a week earlier. They both entered heaven on my 25th birthday and would be 11 this year. The tears, the hurt, the hollow feelings slowly heal BUT very slowly. I don’t know how I could have made it through without Jesus Christ. Love and prayers to your precious family.
Maybe this is too soon. I have never experienced this kind of loss. The words I can offer you are not adequate. But I have known and worked with people in your situation, and I have reflected on what it might mean. I chose not to undergo any prenatal testing. I told myself I would love my child regardless and would carry to term no matter what (I knew of some risk at the time, but declined learning more). But I also see stories like yours, where you did learn more ahead of time and you were able to make plans, reach out for support, you were deliberately present for the short time you had.
I hate to ask, I know it is an intrusion at this point while you grieve, but I am hoping that at some point either in comment or as a blog post you would be willing to share your feelings about prenatal testing and whether you would have changed anything if you knew earlier (or whether in hindsight you really wanted to know at all). I am so glad you connected with NILMDTS, and that you were willing to share those wonderful photos with us. Are you willing to share what other services you have reached out to (or considered, or wish you had)?
I don’t mean to put you on the spot, but for reasons I don’t quite understand I have been in a position to support families through this before and I have to admit I had no idea at all how to support them. I have heard such mixed feedback about families either being so grateful about knowing and accepting and planning for what would happen but also families saying they wished they didn’t know because they were pressured by doctors to terminate and couldn’t appreciate the pregnancy while they were stressed out and grieving. And mixed feedback on whether its okay to set up a nursery and accept gifts for a child who might never make it home from the hospital. Sometimes we, on the outside, say stupid and offensive things because we just don’t understand what you have been through. Maybe you can use your blog to help us understand a little more.
Your divine love for that beautiful soul touches the heart and lives of many. Know that you are an inspiration of what perfect human love looks like. We honor you for the strength of your lessons and teachings.
Sue Copeland
Danielle, we lost our sweet grandson at age 23 on May 16, 2014. We are so grateful to have had him so long. But, I understand so much the grief for lost dreams and opportunities. Even as a grandparent, you have hopes in your heart for each child. You long to see what they will become. You ache for the extended family that never will be. My tears mingle with yours.
A life does not have to be long in order to be meaningful – little Aila has proven that. I am so sorry for your loss but take comfort in knowing that she knew nothing but love her entire life. <3
We found this website when we lost our granddaughter. I put her name on the list to have her name written in the sand under a beautiful sunset lit sky. When we received the picture cd and had them developed, they were excellent. The colors, the clarity, the photography were all beautiful and professional quality. It was also comforting to know that she knew what we were going through and that this is a ministry to her. https://carlymarieprojectheal.com/about/about-carlymarie-project-heal
I lost my son almost four years ago to Anencephaly and my heart breaks for you. We were never able to hold him this side of heaven and no momma should ever have to say good-bye to her precious baby. My truly heart aches for you and your sweet family from one mom who has lost a child to another. All I can say is some days it is minute by minute and even breath by breath. Take it easy on yourself and do not put a timeline on grief it ebbs and flows. I am so glad that you have such precious memories of your sweet daughter, they will help get you through….
I am so sorry for your loss. I understand the feelings since I lost my second baby girl last October when I was 8 months pregnant. She was a stillborn but she was and will always be part of our lives. Time will heal a little bit. Stay strong
Words cannot begin to express my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family, including your little angel. Aila. Sending you love, strength and hopes for peace at this unimaginably difficult time. You and your family are in my prayers.
Sandee Sharcoff Hyde
Twenty-six years ago we lost a daughter shortly after her birth. Jessica Lynne was the most beautiful little baby girl. There is comfort for us in knowing that someone has received a new heart and is living today, as well as two others who now have restored vision due to her corneas. The pain does subside with time. However, your beautiful daughter will always remain in your heart.
May you find peace and comfort from the love of others.
I’m so, so sorry for your loss of Aila. One of my older brothers had osteogenesis imperfecta as well and only lived a day. I can only imagine how hard it was for my mother. Big, healing thoughts to you and your family during this difficult time. <3
My heart goes out to you and your whole family. I cannot imagine the pain, only the love, and will stay in that place with you.
Danielle – I just saw this and am so extremely sad for you and your family. There truly are no words to express the sad feelings I have for you. Am praying that you will find a way to heal from this horrible loss.
You and your family are in our prayers. Words are hard to come by when these things happen but our faith is what keeps us going. I lost a child to a very dangerous Molar pregnancy and while I had to go for treatment after I was so devastated by the loss. May your angel bring you comfort and love day by day.
Gina Waegele Harris
Hello! My name is Gina Harris and I am the Executive Director at Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. Thank you for sharing Aila with the world. She is precious. I want to thank everyone who has made a donation to NILMDTS. We want to be sure we have volunteer photographers available for all families who need our services and we could not do this without your financial support. Your donation allows us to recruit, train, and mobilize photographers. We also educate hospitals and provide ongoing support to parents and families. Thank you!
I am so deeply sorry. I have enjoyed your cookbook and blog for over a year and feel like you are right here beside me cooking. That is family – to cook together and read what is going on in someone’s daily life…and you have given so much to my family with out even knowing it. I’m so so sorry. Sending you love and prayers from my family to your amazingly strong family.
What a wonderful hope we all have.
Sarah Jane
I am deeply sorry for your precious loss, Danielle, Ryan and Asher. Please read: https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/when-you-die/ and https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/what-is-the-resurrection/
As one mom whose infant daughter lived and passed in her arms to another, I understand this pain and I wish you as much comfort as is possible.
Makwete Barco
Today marks a month sice my husband and I lost our precious baby Aiza and I was so touched by this post considering how close in resemblance our daughters names are. My heart aches for every mom that has had to endure this crushing loss ♡
I just got your book from Amazon and saw you had a blog – I saw you on TV and ordered from Amazon. I saw you had a blog, and got on this morning for the first time. I am so sorry to hear about your loss, but I am rejoicing with you that your baby girl is in the arms of God and you will see her again. I love the time you spent with her, the wonderful things you did with her and time she spent with you writing your book. I don’t know if you have seen Heaven is for Real, but at some point it might be a blessing to you to watch it. I will be praying for you and your family as you continue to walk through this time in your life, and know that your witness to others and praise through the storm has been a true testimony that I won’t forget.
Rachel Eppinga
So much love and blessings of light to you and your family. Thank you for being willing to share your story, be so vulnerable and real. You’ve given us all permission to allow love to lead the way, no matter the situation. May you know peace in your heart and continue to shine brightly.
My heart grieves for you and tears fill my eyes as I read your story. I lost a son at about 15 weeks, so I too know the heartache you are feeling. I’m so glad that you were able to spend time with her at the end. God bless you as you travel this painful road.
I have tears reading this I am so very very sorry for the loss of your beautiful little angel. We lost our second daughter at 24 weeks 2 years ago so I understand the pain you are going through right now. Take one day at a time & be kind to yourself. Aila will always be a part of your family.
Tessa Roux
My heart goes out to you and your family and I pray for your strength, comfort, and peace every day. If you have not read it already, I really recommend you read the book Heaven is for Real. The small book answers many questions about what heaven is like in the eyes of a child and I hope that you find consolation in it. God bless you and my continued prayers are with you and your family.
Tessa Roux
Danielle, my heart goes out to you and your family. I pray for your strength, comfort, and peace each day. If you have not already read it, I encourage you to read the book Heaven is for Real. It is a short book, written about what heaven is like in the eyes of a child. I sincerely hope that you may find consolation in it. My continued prayers are with you and your family.
Amy Edmonson
Thinking of you and your family.
My son Max, was born on June 6th this year at 22 weeks due to a rare skeletal disorder called Thanatophoric Dysplasia. His long bones including his ribcage were not developing properly and his lungs wee never going to develop for him to breathe. My heart breaks for you and I am so sorry for your loss.
I cannot fathom what you and your family are going through, but can only imagine as a mother. I do know that God will bring you comfort and peace in this time of loss. I will be praying over you all! You will one day get to see her again and hold her, kiss her forehead, and laugh together, this I know!!!
thank you for sharing so openly with the world, we are so sorry and feeling your pain and the blessing of having been such awesome parents for Aila! You are such a solid leader in this movement of teaching people the importance of eat better to regain health! We thank you for that. We know this will make you an even stronger advocate of health 😀 hope you feel our support to you and your family.
Xenia Pyne
You are brave to post to the world such intimate story. I can relate to your heartache and pain of losing such helpless creature. We lost our little girl at 23 weeks to Trisomy 18. Just as we started planning the baby shower, picking out names, choosing colors for the nursery, our lives were turned upside down…Literally in a heart beat. You would think you’re in the clear with a health baby at 13 weeks and at 22 weeks, but life proved us wrong. I’m not sure why we were chosen to endure such pain of losing a wanted pregnancy. People say, “stay strong, maybe trying again will help, or you’re still young and kids will come someday”, but those are just words with no meaning to me. Our loss has been the hardest thing I have ever experienced in life. It’s been 2 months and 2 weeks since she’s left us, I would have been 33 weeks today with a due date of September 5th. I’ve never been a mother, and this was my first pregnancy. I am terrified of going through this again. I appreciate the expression of your feelings, and now I can carry on with my day knowing that there are others who truly understand how difficult it is to move on and not have grief run your life. I send you and your family all the good vibes and positive energy. We are not alone.
Sara Brown
My Mom sent me your blog… February 7 this year, I delivered my daughter still. She was 40 weeks and 2 days and was never meant for this earth although I didn’t know that until I walked into the hospital in labor. My mama heart cries with you and mourns with you. The pain of losing a child is unlike any other and I wish it on no-one. I am so grateful and blessed to know that I will see her again one day though…. And meet your sweet Aila. No words are enough to say I’m sorry, but I am sending you a hug as a mom that is going through the grief which some days feels just as raw almost 6 months later. If you haven’t heard yet please look up hopemommies.org. I found them to be a certain salve to my heart.
Hi Danielle,
Your blog has been such an inspiration for myself and my husband. I began eating SCD in 2011 and you have been so helpful with recipe ideas. Thank you.
I wanted to let you know that I can relate to you post about your new normal, and how you ache for your daughter and no, no one will ever replace her.
I had a stillbirth in 2010 of my son and have had 2 miscarriages since then.
Please know that eventually you will get through the day with the future and present holding all the more weight because of your daughter, who was here. Her gift to you will be much more than the short time she was here, I think you already know this. She will have changed who you are in amazing ways and it will color your vision of life. You seem to be on this path already, in many ways.
I try to pour every ounce of love that would have gone to my lost babies into the children that I have here with me. In this way I can find some peace.
You can get angry, and sad, and realize that none of it makes much sense. This is all part of grieving. So much of it is what you make of it, how you keep her alive in your actions.
I’m sending you and your family much love and healing thoughts. We used NILMDTS for our birth too and your pictures brought me back to that place. There are many who love you and are thankful that you are sharing this publicly.
Tina Willson
I’m just so sorry for your loss.
You are such an inspiration for blessing the world with her soul, rather than turn to abortion. Thank you for showing the world that ALL LIFE is God’s creation from the moment of conception to whenever He chooses to keep them for Himself. Heartfelt prayers and best wishes for your family. Thanks for all you do!
Kristin Nicole
It is with a saddened heart that I send you my prayers. Although I know nothing anyone says can help with such sadness and loss. I wonder sometimes why things like this happen in life, and although I know there will never be an answer, I still can’t help but wonder and be saddened for the people who have to go through such heart break. You are so much stronger then you think, not many can sit and write and share with the world the kind of heartache you are currently going through. I hope and pray that you can live as normal as normal is and that you can one day smile with a slight sadness of the beautiful daughter you lost. God bless xo
Sara Favale
The pain you feel with losing a child never leaves you. But the hurting lessens with each day. I lost my Reilly Taylor ( 22 weeks) on June 22,2006. I’ll never forget holding her in my arms. This post brought so many painful memories.The best thing you can do is look forward & hold your other child in your arms at every possible moment ( this is what helped me survive).
Jimena Avalos Capin
Dearest Danielle,
I have recently become a fan of your book and website and after I read about your loss, I know why I felt such affinity with you. I am so deeply sorry for the loss of your baby girl. My son Lorenzo was stillborn at 39 weeks in November 2012 and the pain is unimaginable. Losing a child is the most horrible experience in this life. My heart goes out to you in this difficult time. I can tell you that Aila lives forever in your heart… she will always be part of your family, she will always be your baby and you will always be her momma. Eventually, the joy of her life will override the pain of her death and you will be able to honor her and live even more meaningfully and genuinely happy than before. Please trust me on this. I’m sharing a thought that I love with you:
“You will lose someone you can’t live without,and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly—that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.”
Anne Lamott
Like others have said, Aila was happy and surrounded by love. How beautiful to come to the world to be loved and leave it in love. You and your family are in my prayers.
My heart is breaking for you tonight. I am so thankful you know The Lord & He is holding you in His arms!
I was so sorry to read about your loss. I too know the loss of an infant daughter. My daughter Ajah (Asia) weight 1lb. 7oz. and lived for 3 months & 5 days. We did get to bring her home for 9 wonderful days, that was 13 years ago. It does get easier with time, but the loss has never left our family. My heart goes out to you & your family. Much love. <3
I am so deeply sorry for the loss of sweet Aila. Please know that I will be praying for you, to feel Jesus on every side of you & to be renewed and comforted. God bless you.
Lexie J.
I am so terribly sorry for the lost your family has faced. I wish you all strength and peace as you continue to heal in this tough time.
Thank you for sharing you’re story and being so open about you’re family’s feelings. I normally do not make comments on Facebook, but I could not pass this by. I will pray that you and you’re family find peace and comfort in God. God Bless Aila!
I have been following your Facebook page for some about 6 months now. I have immensely enjoyed the recipes. Since the passing of your sweet baby girl, you & your family have been in my prayers. My husband and I too lost a little girl 5 years ago, so I know some of what you are going through. The way you are honoring Alia’s life is SO beautiful!!! This morning during my prayer time & devotions, God insisted I share these verses with you today, so I must obey. 🙂 He has a HUGE, proud smile on His face because of how His daughter (you) is handling this difficult season of life. Keep pressing in, holding His hand tightly and stepping forward one day at a time. You ARE doing great, even when it doesn’t feel like it at times. Blessings & peace be with you my dear Sister. 🙂
“to comfort all who mourn,
and provide for those who grieve in Zion—
to bestow on them a crown of beauty
instead of ashes,
the oil of joy
instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise
instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord
for the display of his splendor” – Isaiah 61: 2-3.
Danielle, I just wanted to send hugs and prayers to you and your family – I’m saddened to hear of the loss of Aila. Nothing I can say can really offer you comfort but I hope you can feel all the love, support and peace coming your way. Peace, love and light to you! And, what Donna said was beautiful and true.
Praise Jesus for the unspeakable joy He gives us as we turn to Him and trust Him. May the grace and comfort of Jesus be your countenance and sustenance. May He give you rest and strength to face each day for all that He has for you and your family. Your words are full of Him and He is using you.
Father, many have shared on this blog of loss and I pray for each family. For the moms and dads and siblings. For extended family and friends. Father, your words tells us to “comfort with the comfort that we have been comforted with” and that comfort is You. Sometimes softly through Your spirit speaking to our spirits and others through the kind words and gestures from others. Lord we thank You and ask that you help Ryan, Danielle and Asher and all the other families mentioned on this blog. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN
I just wanted you to know that I found your story while browsing the today.com website and I was moved to tears. As a mother of 2 beautiful girls, I cannot begin to fathom the pain you and your husband went through. Something like this can put a real strain on a marriage, but the strength and love you two had to make it through something like this TOGETHER…is something you hear about in fairy tales. My heart is with you two and your family.
may God bring you peace.
We lost our son recently, and your story was beautiful. It gives us some small comfort to know that we are not alone. I am sorry for the loss of your child, and thank you for sharing this. It is very brave of you.
This was very touching & encouraging. I lost a baby boy this year @ 19 weeks & it was hard delivering him knowing that his little heart stopped beating. My water broke & the Doctors didn’t know what caused it. My daughter is 15, so I was literally starting all over. I’m glad you & your family were able to spend the time you did with your princess Aila.
Danielle, I just came across this article from the NILMDTS FB page. My husband and I gave birth to our beautiful baby girl at 23 weeks and 6 days in March and we feel exactly the same way. We miss her every single day and the time we spent holding her was just not long enough. When I held her in my arms and looked at her tiny perfect face and little fingers, I knew there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t have done to keep her alive and safe and healthy. I lost my dad several months earlier to a terminal illness and actually found comfort when a friend suggested that she was safe with him and he was able to have a beautiful granddaughter. But my husband said the other day that even though we are moving on and hope to one day bring home a little one, we won’t ever really get over losing her and she will always be a part of our family. We named her Hope and while we didn’t know about NILMDTS services when she as born, we do have the hospital photos that we haven’t had the courage to open yet. I’ll be thinking of you and and your family and know that it DOES get better. I truly thought it never would but it does.
Thank you for being open and honest about your journey. I am so sorry for your loss, but as someone who has had three miscarriages I am humbled by your strength and honestly. My deepest sympathies and kindest thoughts sent your way.
My five babies died before their time to be born many years ago.
We never had any children survive. Adoption was far too expensive for
us at that time.
It still hurts. And, you are right…………….no one wants to talk about it.
I have no physical mementos, just the ones in my heart and mind.
Even my husband won’t talk about it to this day…..over 40 years later.
This is a gift to have such wonderful pictures.
God bless you and your family as you walk through this journey and
may God bless the photographers.
You need to look into molly bears. It’s an amazing organization that makes bears that are weighted to your little angel.
Tina Rodriguez Dell
Christina, you have given the most comforting words. As a mother who gave my beautiful Mireya back to God just a month ago, so many who mean well expect me to rush through the grief. I am extremely grateful to have had my daughter for almost eight hours. We got to have her baptized, to hold her, kiss her, snuggle with her, study her features, her big sister sang to her (bringing everyone in the NICU to tears), five of her six siblings were able to hold her. We have almost 3,000 pictures of her taken in a single day, her lifetime. I don’t know why God chose me to be her mother. Regardless of why, I am eternally grateful to have a saint in heaven waiting for us. I have joy knowing all she will ever know is love. I get so emotional when i am able to wrap my head around the love she knows now in heaven.
Tina Rodriguez Dell
Danielle, thank you for sharing your story and Aila’s story. August 9, 2014 we delivered our daughter who we knew we would only have a short time. She wasn’t supposed to arrive until September 12, Friday. She decided to come earlier. I guess she couldn’t wait to meet us and then get to heaven. As you know there are no words anyone can give to make it all better. Your faith is already strong continue to let it help you through this. I have an amazing support group and they help a lot. Nothing helps like knowing God has a plan for us and for my sweet Mireya.
I just learned of your story today. I am so very sorry for your loss but I am so very proud of the way your family has lived out the Word “let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good work and glorify your Father in Heaven.” Your attitude, decisions, and actions have glorified God, the giver of life and author and finisher of our faith. I know He is pleased with your trust and obedience and it holding your precious one close until one day you are joined as a complete family again.
My son, Kade, passed away in my arms at 8:00 p.m. on June 24th as well. He was 7 days old. I know your pain as well as your Hope knowing the same loving arms that are holding our children now are also holding us!
Bridget Crews
Hello my dear. My name is Bridget and I am the founder of Molly Bears. I lost my Molly at 34 weeks, over 4 years ago. We make weighted teddy bears for families who have experienced baby loss. I would be honored to create one for you. http://www.mollybears.com. Visit our website so you can see what we are about. If you are interested, please email me at [email protected]. I am so sorry for the loss of your precious girl. Big big hugs momma.
Janell Brouwer
This is the first time I have ever heard of this illness. I read your story and I am sitting here crying for you. I have no words I can say. I know the pain I felt when we lost our god son when he was only 4 months and 10 days. We loved him so much, losing him took a piece of my heart. I am praying that all of you heal well from this experience. I am so glad you can see the good in this. Alia is beautiful and I can tell you
Janell Brouwer
it would not let me type anymore, I can tell you and your family love your little sweetheart. there is so much I would love to say, but I need to go and wash my face before my youngest thinks im weird for crying over a baby I never knew. I am sending you hugs for your whole family.
Walker family, my heart is breaking all over again!! I barely survived my two losses. Our second daughter was 3 hrs. old before leaving us. Then two years later I had a miscarriage. I applaud the way you are dealing with your grief. I still have trouble years later!! Since then I have written two books about loss for the living sibling. There were non during my losses. My books are with two different publishers and I pray that my books will be published. To remember my second daughter, I bought a bracelet with a heart dangling off the bracelet that has her name on it. I also bought a ring with her birthstone. She was real and no one else, but my daughter talk about her. Miss her tons. I am here for you if you need someone to vent at or share with. Keep on keeping on. I didn’t have support and I’m glad you do!!
My heart breaks for you as I too have lost a new born son. It has been 37 years since my son, David, was born by emergency c-section. After 20 hrs of labor the doctor determined that the cord was around David’s neck and rushed me to a c-section without anesthesia. It was horrific. David only lived 23 hours. I never got to hold him. I have wished many many times that I had insisted. The years have eased the pain. I have two other children and a house full of grandchildren. God was my strength during that time and He has been my strength since. I pray for your sweet family and encourage you to continue to share your story with others. It will help you heal and will certainly help others know they are not alone. Love in Christ.
Janae Q.
I am so glad you had the pictures taken. You will never regret having those memories. My husband and I had stillborn twins at 20 weeks and also had pictures taken. They are so precious. One day at a time. The deep ache gets better but it’s never gone.
The analogy I was told: Think of a weightlifter. If they try and lift all 200 pounds in the beginning they will crumble. But slowly over time, they build the strength. The same is like the deep ache of grief. It will get easier to carry, but it will never leave you.
Sitting in my car listening to the rain and looking through bleary windows at my son at soccer practice. Your words brought me to tears. I lost our 2nd child five years ago when I was only 10 weeks pregnant.
Thank you for sharing and putting to words these things. This pain that is so deep it feels like a fiber of my very being. But also you voiced the “knowing” that one day you will see her again. As sure as our connection is to these beautiful children–strong and real no matter how much time passes–so it is also certain that we will see them again.
I just lost my identical twin boys Jack and Evan due to an infection that caused me to go into pre-term labor..I too long to kiss their little face. I was 21 weeks, I feel your pain…my husband and I gain strength daily! They were our first children.
Jenifer Gaston
Danielle, I’m so sorry for the loss you and your family experiencing. I just came to your blog for the first time this evening. I had two stillborn children, one 29 years ago, and one 20 years ago, both daughters. You will never forget your sweet baby, and talking about it and sharing is so very good for you. I will pray for comfort for you all. You will her in Heaven someday…. Just hold on to that, while you are here mothering your Son, and being a wife.
Donna, in the 29 years nice the loss of my first child, I have never heard more beautiful words. Thank you, as the tears stream down my face. Very sweet words. I have always known I would see my babies again in Heaven, but you touched my heart…. Thank
Can I ask where you got the dress? I seriously love that pink dress!
I lost my little angel at 41 weeks in July… thank you for being open and sharing <3
Just finished your book Food Saved Me. I loved reading your book and was encouraged to know that I’m not alone. Our stories are not exactly the same, but similar. After having 3 healthy babies my husband and I lost our 4th child, a daughter named Selah in 2011. We had 7 precious hours with her. Fast forward to 2018 and we now have 6 precious kiddos at home and are pregnant. In August of 2018 we had our son Ezekiel. He had the same chromosome abnormalities of our daughter and he also passed. We had about an hour with him. Then in December of the same year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After chemo and mastectomy a year later I was about to finish my treatments when I learned I still in fact had cancer. More chemo, surgery and radiation over another year and my scans now show no signs of cancer! Thank you Jesus! While battling cancer I researched and decided to switch to a plant based diet to combat cancer. My amazing husband made the switch with me and we don’t plan on ever going back to our old eating habits. Thank you so much for teaching others that food makes a difference! I was so encouraged by your story. While I don’t show signs of cancer, I am currently taking medication and monthly injections to fight it ever returning. The medicines come with side effects, but like you I am thankful to be here alive and live life with my kids and husband. Thanks again for sharing your story!