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Kim Paulson
Would like the pie crust recipe posted on facebook
Would like the pie crust recipe from Facebook.
michelle reed
trying to buy book but this is the link that comes up….where do I go to actually purchase??
thanks, love your beautiful work
Against All Grain
Just click on any of the store links above the photo! It’s only on preorder right now until July 30th!
Thanks for the video it helped me make the decision to buy the book!
Pre-ordered 😀
I made your banana bread recipe this morning & I’m totally sold. It’s even BETTER than the wheat version. I will be buying your cookbook in the near future!
The video was wonderful, I am off to pre-order my copy! Thanks so much!
Kimberly Robinson
I’ve got mine! Looking forward to it.
Andrea Lazar
Can’t wait to have your book.
Best of luck with it,
Just pre-ordered, cant’ wait to try my first paleo recipes!
Will there be an e-book?
Hello, I was just wondering how to buy this in Australia? I don’t think Amazon ships over here 🙁 Thank you xx
Against All Grain
Stay tuned!
I have bought books from Amazon and I live in Australia. They have fantastic customer service as well.
I made the banana moose pancakes for my kids! Delicious! Thank you:)
Hi Danielle. We have your book here at our book store in Malaysia ! I love your book =)
Jackie Dutton
HI Danielle
I am a paleo/primal nutritional coach here in Cape Town South Africa…I have just bought your book on Amazon and I am super excited to receive it. I follow you on Instagram and FB and I so enjoy your posts and pics! Just thought I would take the time to let you know you have a huge following down here in South Africa! Enjoy the rest of your book tour.
Much love
Jackie Dutton
[email protected]
Against All Grain
Hi Jackie! So fun, thank you for sharing. Some of our good friends just moved back to the States from SA!
Diane Frey
Would your book happen to have the nutritional facts for each recipe?
Against All Grain
We’re working on compiling them. It will probably be a couple of months, but they’ll be available on the blog.
Kathy King
I just bought the cookbook and it is fabulous. Thank you so much for such a wonderful resource!
Helen (Australia)
I ooly just found your website and read about how you have healed your body. I have bought the book – and love that you did a video showing the pages, fab idea!
Kathy temme
I. Need the oven temp for these. It is not in the book.
Against All Grain
Yeah sorry about that, 350. It was fixed in the second printing of the book 🙂
Kathy temme
Almond crisps does not have oven temp. Please let. Me know.
Against All Grain
350. It was fixed in the second printing, thank you!
Found your blog about a month ago since going Paleo and can’t believe how much better I feel!! I thought eating like this would be hard but thanks to you its not! I have a BIG sweet tooth and think I have finally broken my addition to sugar! Have been subbing stevia for sugar in your recipes and increasing the liquid as needed.Made your pumpkin donuts and vanilla donuts posted and they were great! 🙂 Just got your book a few days ago and made your slow cooker orange chicken with coconut line cali rice last night and all I can say is YUUUUUUM! Made the snickerdoodle cupcakes…….double yum! Your recipes are wonderful and already have a bunch of other pages already marked to cook. Thank you for all you do! And your pictures of you and your son are precious! 🙂
Against All Grain
Haha that’s awesome! I love hearing that! So glad you’re feeling better 🙂
I am happily educating (and quite possibly annoying) my employees with my Paleo lifestyle. I’ll quit talking if they they quit asking. 🙂 I would like to nurture this curiousity by buying your book for a good portion of them however, it can get pricey if I need to buy 10 books. Any chance you have an opportunity for a bulk discount? I thought this would be a great Christmas present. By the way, I am not 100% all the time but since the new year is almost here, I want to set a goal of strict paleo for 3 months. I’ve done it before but I’ve let it get away from me this year and I think having your book as new guidance was a great place to start. At least we could support each other in the workplace.
Against All Grain
Thank you so much for your interest and excitement about my book! Unfortunately, my publisher does not offer a group discount. Your best bet is to purchase my book at Costco or on Amazon.
I’ve only made two of the recipes…the ahi mango poke was insanely good! I’ve also made the fries Brussels sprouts and cauliflower and it was delicious too! Outside of the small bites section I have made a lot of the other recipes and I can’t thank you enough for the work you’ve done. I love that I can eat bread and granola and lots of other food that I haven’t had in a long time (or have and get sick from!). Can’t wait for the other things you are working on!
Hi Danielle. I saw you on The Doctors today. Congratulations on your better health! I am about to embark on what I hope will be the road to better health through my diet and have decided to try the paleo lifestyle. I thought your book would be a great purchase to start me on my path! Can you please tell me, is there quite a few main course recipes included? The ” look inside” video seemed to show more dessert-type dishes.
Against All Grain
Yes, Viki, there are over 30 recipes that could be main course dishes! Happy cooking! 🙂
Where could I buy your book in South Africa? I just came accross your website and being new to cooking and baking the Paleo way, I found your page so much fun and very imformative! Id love to get my hands on your book!!
Against All Grain
You can purchase it online at my Amazon store https://astore.amazon.com/againstallgrain-20/detail/1936608367
Hi Verushka, I see that you can get it via Kalahari. Hope this helps.
I absolutely love your cookbook! I just have one question. I made the banana bread and it did not set fully in the middle. I used regular coconut milk instead of canned. Could that be the culprit? I kept it in the fridge for a few days and used it to make a bread pudding from PaleOMG’s website and it was delish! Thanks for all the amazing recipes!
Against All Grain
I just posted a video to my uTube channel which talks about problems with my Banana Bread recipe. https://youtu.be/rVmCqlrK3bA
I just made this Bananna Bread for the 2nd time and used half the amount of coconut oil it called for (I used 1 TB) I also used canned coconut oil – not the lite! and made sure to stir it well before taking the 1/2 cup out for the recipe. Anyway, that has made my loaf much much better. Before it was too moist and now it is just right.
Most often the problem people have with the banana bread is not using the right type of almond flour or not using the type of pan that is called for in the recipe. You may find this Youtube video helpful for troubleshooting! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVmCqlrK3bA
Desiree Nett
Hi Danielle, I just got your cookbook for my birthday (squeal!). The first thing I made were the sweet potato chips! I have never made chips before so you will have to bear with me. I used a mandolin and cut them super thin, dabbed them with paper towels after the ice bath, used coconut oil, put them in a single layer for 10 min on each side. Some of them are crispy but most are not. I just put them back into the oven and in 2 min they were burning! I’m smelling the yucky burnt sweet potato chips as I type this. What am I doing wrong?
Maryanne Johanson
The same thing happened to me. I followed the recipe exactly, but the chips were soft and not appetizing.
I just bought your book and I’m so excited after reading the first few pages I just had to come check in! This is just the approach I’ve been looking for. I just finished Diane Sanfilippo’s 21DSD. I don’t want to get away from the basic theory of that, I love it, but I was looking for something just a little different. Plus…I collect awesome beautiful cookbooks and yours is definitely that! Thanks – and best wishes!
Lily Rivers
I’ve been wanting to thank you for being so absolutely amazing! I’m 31, married w/ 2 toddler boys and your book has transformed the way that I cook for my family. I have purchased many cookbooks in the past. But this is the first cookbook I buy that was actually worth the investment. I have made soooo many recipes from it. Instead of putting it back on my shelf I just leave it on the counter. I figure, “what’s the point of putting it away? I love it and I’m going to pick it right back up anyway!” So thankful for you and your beautiful, growing family!!!
Lily Rivers
I love this site your recipes are awesome!!
Hey i fed the banana nut porridge to my 4 year old and 6 year old. They where a little relucntant at first but they tried it and were begging for more! btw… that’s because i put gummy bears in there too.. probably shouldn’t have… my husband and I ate the real thing it was better that expected considering it was mashed up nuts.
Chip Schmerder
hi,, which cook book has paleo recipes? thanks, chip
The best way to do fries is to get what is called a t-fal cooker you use 1 table spoon of oil and they are just like French fries so good
Joanna Green
Hi Danielle! I love your cookbook. I have a few paleo cookbooks and I use your recipes more than any others. I have a question about the coconut milk yogurt. I’ve made it several times with mixed results, depending on how long I leave it in the yogurt maker. I’m getting it down, though. The instructions that came with the yogurt maker say to leave the jars uncovered until they are moved to the fridge. Does the fact that coconut milk is being used change that? The reason I ask is because a sort of crust develops on top of the yogurt and I’m wondering if leaving the lids off might make a difference. Thanks so much!
Tammy H
I cooked all weekend from this cookbook and every recipe I tried was a smash hit! I cannot say enough good things about this cookbook. I work at Indigo books in Canada, and tomorrow I will be making this my staff pick!
Where can I find nutritional info for recipes?
I live in Australia and can’t find palm shortenings that are in your oatmeal nd rasin cookies. Is there another name for it, or is it substitutable?
Nai, Spectrum brand labels their palm shortening as Organic All Vegetable Shortening, here is a link, https://bit.ly/QkwnZl.
where can I find nutritional info for recipes in your cookbook?
Krissy Caster
I am very excited to show you the avocado mayonnaise that I made using your recipe. It tastes delicious and it definitely worth you taking the time to make your own! The mayonnaise has a longer spread to it. Pre-paleo – I used just about a whole jar of mayo to get the spread. But, with this recipe, I get the same amount of spread withe less?? I am pleased and my husband loves how he knows what’s going into his food!
CarolLynn Meyers
Hi Danielle, I wanted to say thank you for changing my life. Your recipes are so good that I use them all the time in the kitchen. I get started making one thing then I cant stop and have to make another treat . I love them all. I have been making your bread every week. It is the only bread I will eat and it Is so nice to be able to have a sandwich again. I also have an autoimmune disease so your recipes have helped to change my life. Thank you and God Bless you and your family.
Cindy Sayers
in your chocolate cookies in the new book there is no flour should there be? the other cook book has almond and coconut. Wondering why?
I believe you are referring to the Dark Chocolate Almond Clusters. If so, there is no flour in that recipe. ~Eileen
Cindy Sayers
no I’m referring to the real deal chocolate chip cookies 2.0 page 280 there is no flour of the new book
Cindy Sayers
no its real deal chocochip cookies 2.0 page 280
Hi Danielle. My family and I have been enjoying the Paleo diet for sometime now and your books come highly recommended. Am struggling to work out which one to buy. I’d appreciate any suggestions or ideas you and others reading this might have that would help me make up my mind. Thanks in anticipation!
Hi Eva, there’s completely different recipes in both books! The first Against all Grain (red shirt) is filled with recipes for everything from breakfast to desserts to beverages and covers all of your bases. It’s very helpful for someone new to Paleo who is afraid that they’re going to be stuck eating plain food for life, or the seasoned veteran who is getting bored with the same old same old.
The second Meals Made Simple (white shirt) focuses more on meal-time but includes treats too and is about making this way of eating approachable and sustainable by providing meal plans, grocery lists, and tips and tricks to making eating grain-free simple!
I like to say my first book will win everyone over (kids, husbands), and my second book is the Mom’s book or the person who provides nightly meals because it will keep them sane and help them stick to the plan!
Hi, I noticed that Angela has asked the same question twice with no answer. I am curious why and I would like to know the answer as well. “where can I find nutritional info for recipes in your cookbook?”
Danielle Walker
Hi Sam – The nutritional values are not currently available in my first cookbook, Against all Grain, but you are welcome to plug them into an online calculator to suit your needs. We do hope to offer them as supplemental material on the blog at some point once they can all be calculated and verified. My newest book Meals Made Simple does include the values in the back of the book near the index.
Heather Waters
I was just diagnosed with lectin and casein intolerance. I think your books just might save me. Thank you!!
aw yay! thank you for sharing that with me
Gail Morrissey
Hi Danielle, I’ve bought your cookbook Eat What You Love. Where would I find the nutritional info for the recipes? Particularly Lunchbox bread. Carbs?
you can download them here https://againstallgrain.com/nutritional-data/
s dain
Danielle, Have and love all 4 of your books. Wondering if you have plans to add a searchable index for all for books combined on your site? With so many yummy recipes packed into each book, sometimes it takes a bit of time to locate what I want.
I love the new cookbook. I tried downloading the grocery list and it’s really hard to read. The text is blurry. Just wanted to let you know. 🙂
Want to learn to cook? This book is highly recommended <3
The nutrition fact link is broken for the original Against All Grains book. Could you advise? I’d love to share the recipes I make for myself with my “macro counting” mama 🙂
Thanks for letting us know! For now, you can use https://www.myfitnesspal.com/