This rug looks vintage but at half the cost, and I was so surprised at how soft it was on our feet. I adore the colors of it in my living room!
This rug looks vintage but at half the cost, and I was so surprised at how soft it was on our feet. I adore the colors of it in my living room!
Many of you have asked about the fun light fixture above my dining room table. This is it!
This convenient freezer is the best affordable second option for all my frozen goods. I love mine and use it all the time! There’s a mechanical control with adjustable thermostat from -12 to -28 Degrees.
Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is great for your skin and helps keep frizz out of curly or wavy hair.
We have this installed under our sink and I use it for drinking water, cooking, and bottles. It has the only technology to remove up to 99% of contaminants including arsenic, chlorine, lead, fluoride, heavy metals, bacteria, virus and 1000+ contaminants.
Gorgeous lightweight, unbreakable and crystal clear, these goblets are inspired by Mexico’s renowned art glass.
A generous sized serving slab crafted from European pine and topstitched leather handles.
These are the perfect everyday porcelain dishes.
Excellent design and durable enough to withstand lots of dinner parties.
With the character of a blacksmith’s creation, this caddy is crafted of blackened iron that’s detailed with visible rivets and a footed base.
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