Hi everyone! We're celebrating the holidays I missed when I was sick this Fall and it's been such a joy. This week was Thanksgiving, and the coming week is Christmas. We're calling it Coronadays! This digest shows you some of my favorite Kezia moments, an exclusive Eat What You Love Book recipe, and a recap of Wake Up With The Walkers!

She’s really loving this Halloween Week thing ♥️ ºoº

Wake Up With The Walkers- Coconut Praline Caramel Corn
I created this recipe over the holidays to give as gifts. It is both gluten-free and refined sugar-free! I love to pop sprouted organic popcorn kernels fresh on the stovetop so it's easier on my kids' digestion and free from GMOs. You could easily substitute in a grain-free cereal if you want to keep this paleo! Just choose one that is no larger than the size of a cheerio.
The recipe will be published later this week on my blog, but here are the ingredients in case you want to gather them now to make once it's posted!
Coconut Praline Caramel Corn
12 cups unsalted freshly popped popcorn
1/2 cup chopped pecans
1/2 cup coconut flakes
1 cup blonde coconut sugar
1 stick unsalted butter or 1/2 cup ghee or coconut oil
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar

Wake Up With The Walkers- Gluten-Free Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry
This dish was a huge favorite of mine growing up. Since most restaurants use cornstarch, soy sauce containing gluten and even MSG in their sauces, I haven’t been able to eat Beef and Broccoli in a restaurant for a long time. So I developed this recipe for my Eat What You Love book, since it fits in so well with the grain-free comfort foods theme of that book.
It's on regular rotation at home now because it has become a frequently-requested dish with my family. And I love seeing how often you all make it in your own homes! I use gluten-free and soy-free coconut aminos in place of soy sauce, and love that the sauce also has gut-healing and immune-boosting bone broth in it. Serve it over cauliflower rice and feel free to add whatever vegetables you have on hand.

I made the paleo Beef & Broccoli from my Eat What You Love Book during our weekday live cooking show so I wanted to share the recipe here for those who don’t have a copy of the book yet! If you missed the live video, check out @daniellewalker – it’s now available for replay on my IGTV! Wait 'til the end ????????????
Gluten-free Beef & Broccoli
pg 182 Danielle Walker’s Eat What You Love cookbook
2 pounds flank steak
2⁄3 cup coconut aminos
2 T arrowroot powder
3 1⁄2 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 1⁄4 tsp unseasoned rice vinegar
4 T beef tallow, avocado oil, or ghee
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp peeled & minced fresh ginger
5 cups broccoli florets (about 2 pounds)
1⁄3 cup Beef Bone Broth (page 310)
Fine sea salt
1⁄4 tsp ground white pepper
Basic Cauli Rice (page 309), for serving
Place the steak in the freezer for 20 minutes to make it easier to slice. Cut it on the diagonal into 1⁄8-inch slices, then cut each slice into 2-inch pieces. Place the steak pieces in a shallow bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together the coconut aminos, arrowroot, 3 tsp of the sesame oil, & the vinegar & pour the mixture over the steak, stirring to coat each piece well. Marinate for 30 min.
Heat 2 T of the tallow in a wok or large skillet over med-high heat. Stir in the garlic & ginger, & let them sizzle in the hot oil for about 30 sec. Stir in the broccoli & toss the florets in hot oil until they turn bright green & almost tender, 5 to 7 min. Remove the broccoli from the wok & set aside.
Add remaining 2 T tallow to wok. Let the pan get very hot again. With tongs, add the marinated meat to wok in a single layer, reserving the marinating liquid & working in batches to avoid crowding the meat. Do not stir the meat until it has browned, about 1 minute. Flip the meat & cook the other side for 30 seconds more, then transfer the meat to a clean plate to rest.
Pour the reserved marinating liquid into the wok along with the bone broth, 11⁄4 tsp salt, & white pepper. Cook over medium-high heat until the sauce starts to thicken, about 45 seconds. Add the beef & broccoli back to the wok & toss to coat. Season with salt to taste & finish with remaining 1⁄2 tsp sesame oil.

Wake Up With The Walkers – Dairy-Free Vanilla Coffee Creamer
I'm a little cooked-out! Anyone else feeling that way? So instead of a grain-free dinner or gluten-free treat recipe for you today, this one goes out to all the tired parents who just want a good cup of coffee with dairy-free creamer in the morning to get them through the day!
I like to make homemade coffee creamer because most of the ones at the grocery store have unnecessary additives. They use fillers, gums, and carrageenan, which are all hard on the gut. They can cause digestive discomfort, bloating, and inflammation for some people.
I may be partial, but I actually think my recipe is better than the ones on the market, and it is made from real ingredients! I see you all post about it on social media a lot, so I assume you feel the same! Have you tried it? I also have a Pumpkin Spice Creamer, Peppermint Mocha Creamer, and a Gingerbread Creamer in my Celebrations cookbook!

Have you ever had traditional Chilaquiles?
Our family loves going to Mexico for vacation (when we’re not quarantined, of course). A few years ago we rented a house instead of staying in a hotel, and we had the privilege of having the host cook our family breakfast one morning. Her breakfast ruined me for good, it was THAT delicious ????! She whizzed up a sauce in the blender with roasted peppers, tomatoes, and seasonings, and used some stale tortillas that we had in the pantry. She topped it off with shredded chicken that we had used for tacos the night before. I love how she was able to repurpose “old” ingredients into a mouthwatering breakfast.
My grain-free and gluten-free Chilaquiles are slightly different, but amazing nevertheless! The meal you see pictured is the newest addition to a slew of incredible new and exclusive recipes being added to the blog every week!
Click here for the recipe!!

Wake Up With The Walkers- Gluten-Free Cheddar Biscuits
These grain-free Cheddar Biscuits were created after I recreated my favorite Brazilian Cheese Bread recipe but wanted something a little more biscuit-like to go with Thanksgiving dinner. It's become a staple in our house for holidays and special occasions, but I like to keep a few in the freezer for when a sandwich craving strikes! They work really well with my French Dip sandwiches from Eat What You Love Book or simply with leftover roasted chicken or turkey.
Since we're celebrating Thanksgiving Week for Coronadays this week, I'm making a batch of these now to keep in the freezer so it's one less thing to do for our big feast over the weekend!
Click here for the recipe!!

Not because I received bad news today, or even had pain.
Because this new world is different.
And frightening.
Because Autoimmune disease does not hit the pause button just because there’s a pandemic.
Because, after a decade of managing my disease mainly with diet and lifestyle, I had to choose in November between 2 medications that suppress my immune system, or lose my colon. I chose the medication, but it still can feel like a failure when I let my brain and heart go there. Now we’re in a pandemic, and I’m being infused with something that makes me less equipped to fight the virus we’re all trying to avoid. And they haven’t even put me into remission yet.
Because it’s the first time I’ve been out of my house since March 13 and I don’t recognize myself in a mask. I don’t like that I can’t smile at people. Or see them smile back.
And because it’s the first time I’ve been out in public and have seen the restrictions, like 2 people per elevator, or everyone must wear a mask. I’m thankful I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to stay at home, but the reentry was definitely a culture shock.
Because so many people have to go out in this daily. To keep their jobs. To support their family. To serve us, and our communities. To help save lives.
Because I’m sitting in this chair alone, where my husband would usually be keeping me company and holding my hand. And because I’m surrounded by other strangers in masks who are alone, with tubes in their arms and chests. Strangers on harsher medications who are likely even more frightened and susceptible to the virus than I am.
I know this, too, shall pass. But for now, I’m going to allow the tears and sit in the sadness today. My heart and prayers are with all of you who continue to battle autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses, on top of all that is going on in the world.
You are strong, you will get through this, and I’m proud of you for keeping up the fight.
I love long days with my little girl ????
joan Harrington
Thanks so much for sharing from the heart. I actually can’t eat most of your recipes because of my particular food restrictions but I love reading the blog and your books. You are real and honest, and wonderful cook and blogger. Thank you.
Pati Clark
I love that you are sharing with us in these times with this pandemic “Waking up with the Walkers” also that you keep it real … I haven’t missed an episode. Love how the whole family is involved, Looking forward to the Christmas recipes too. I just wanted to say Thank You . You are an inspiration to many !!!! (((hugs)))
Kristin Beddow Porté
Danielle, I’m so sorry u ended up having to
go on meds for ur UC. I met u about 5 yrs ago at a book signing in Naperville IL. I was in a bad flare of UC and on prednisone and swollen up. I told u I wish I could control it with just food like you. You told me that it’s a journey and it’s ok to be on meds if u have to. Now I have been on Entyvio infusions for 4 yrs, off prednisone for 3 and a half yrs and in remission for a little over 3 yrs! I know it’s scary being immunosuppressed but it’s given me my life back and saved my colon! It’s especially a concern during this pandemic. I’m a hairstylist with my own business and been forced home thru May 30. The blessing is I haven’t had to go out except for my infusion and groceries, but obviously I’m out of work and divorced , just me and my dog. My message to u is God will provide, God will heal and God will give u peace about this situation. I cry a lot too. Just know that ur not the only one! Thank u for sharing ur life and recipes with us. U have been an inspiration to me!
Blessings, Kristin Porté
Holly Sale
Danielle, this touched me so deeply. I can tell your a believer. It’s obvious to the rest of us who are. I just said a huge prayer for you and your sweet babies and your husband Ryan for strength and perseverance through these trying times. Prayers and faith can move mountains. This too shall pass. All is well.