I can hardly contain my excitement as I write this post for you!!
NO, I'm not pregnant. 🙂
Three weeks ago, I was sitting at my dining room table typing up a blog-post and daydreaming about where I wanted this little blog to be in a few years. I dream big, but there’s always been a side to me that lacks confidence, so I tend to scale things back with the fear that my dreams won’t come true. So after imagining a cookbook with all of my recipes proudly being displayed on bookstore shelves across America, I decided I probably needed to self-publish an ebook first. I figured I would need to wait until Against All Grain was a little more well known before a publisher would even think about taking the chance on my book.
Then out of the blue, I received an email from Victory Belt publishers. The email started as many do that I get from readers – thanking me for my recipes and telling me how happy their children are to be able to eat things like granola for cereal day at school. Then there was an extra paragraph. A paragraph explaining that Michele, the author of the email, showed my site to her publisher and he wanted me to write a cookbook for them. I was beside myself. I forwarded the email to my husband in amazement and promptly started researching their other authors. After 2 seconds on their site, I saw every Paleo book I’ve ever heard of. Truthfully, I didn’t actually own any of the books because I don’t like to be inadvertently influenced by other’s recipes, but I had been following and respected all of their blogs and social media for months. We hired a babysitter that night and took a date to Barnes and Noble so I could thumb through the books and see what Victory Belt was all about.
I was so impressed with the quality of their books which made me even more excited. After a few phone calls with Victory Belt and some time to contemplate such a huge decision, I popped my signed contract into the mail ready for a new adventure. I am so thrilled to get to share this news with you!!
I’ve been waiting until all of the i’s were dotted and t’s were crossed, but I can now share with you that….
there will be an Against All Grain cookbook on bookshelves in the Fall 2013!!!
We're still working on the details, but I can tell you that the book will be a collection of over 100 brand new grain-free recipes and will also include a handful of reader’s favorites. We are working on a nifty labeling system as well so it’s easy to decipher the SCD/GAPS recipes from the Paleo ones.
I already have a notebook full of mouthwatering recipes to include in the book, but there will be a lot of creation going on in my kitchen over the next 8 months so I want to hear from you!! What would you like to see in this book?
Leave me a comment and give me your ideas! Let me know if there are any new recipes you’d love to see, or which of my old ones you’d like to finally have in print. Do you want grocery lists or meal plans? Is nutritional information important to you? I can’t make any promises that everything you suggest will be incorporated, but this book is for you so I will do my best!
Thank you all SO much for your support, feedback and friendship over the last year since I started this blog. I can't believe how much it has grown since January '12 and am so excited to see where it will go in the next year. I will continue posting recipes on the blog, but it may be only once a week as opposed to the 3-4 times that I was doing previously. I have to keep some things a secret!
Oh and and a little sneak-peak of some of the foods to keep you interested!!
Because who doesn't love a little tease?

Oh good grief. Sign me up for an advance copy! I am excited to add your book to my growing library!
Cassidy @ Cooking Gluten (& Dairy) Free
Congratulations! I love all of your recipes and can’t wait for your cookbook!
I’m so excited for you! Knowing you, it will be full of mouth-watering and amazing looking food! I think you do healthy desserts better than anyone out there, so I hope that’s a big section of your book! Congratulations and I can’t wait to see the finished product!
Monika Bradley
So happy for you! And well deserved. I have been enjoying your recipes for months and feel guilty getting them all for free! Looking forward to the book!
Congratulations! You deserve this.
Congrats. You’re such a lovely person & are so dedicated to providing your fans with beautiful recipes. Good on you for dreaming big and working hard – indeed those 2 things are the only things that ever made dreams come true, Alexx 🙂
Congratulations! That is wonderful news. Wishing you many blessings. I would like to see a bread recipe without having to fold in the eggs whites, if possible. Happy cooking/baking!
[email protected]
This is wonderful news, congratulations!!! I love all your recipes but truly love your photographs just as much. I am captivated by how elegant they all are…it may sound silly but they bring me a sense of peace and calming which I enjoy when choosing recipes to try. Many blessings to you as you start this new adventure, you definitely have a sell with me! And if you need an early reviewer… :o)
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So excited and PROUD of you!!!
I can’t even think of suggestions, because I really enjoy everything you give us 🙂 I love being able to show people that grain-free doesn’t equal cardboard (and that GRAINS, in fact, equal cardboard!) and your recipes always leave the people at my dining room table in awe 🙂
Though…now that I think of it…any ideas you’ve got on egg-free dishes & desserts would be great for our house (my daughter has an anaphylactic allergy) and those trying to adhere to an auto-immune protocol. My recipes are starting to get boring!
Congratulations, Danielle! Wonderful news!
“So after imagining a cookbook with all of my recipes proudly being displayed on bookstore shelves across America…Then out of the blue, I received an email from Victory Belt publishers. ” — the Law of Attraction at work! How inspiring. Congratulations!
I am REALLY happy to hear this news. Your site and recipes have become some of the best of the new non-grain recipes out there and I absolutely adore them! So add your (great) voice and I hope you do great. I will be buying this book and all those to come. Please keep doing what you are doing. You are making a difference in my life!
Leslie @ Real Food Freaks
Congratulations on your exciting news! I look forward to the release of your cookbook!
kat murphy
Congrats!! Awesome news…love your recipes:)) xoxox
Congratulations on the book deal! I have never commented before but want to let you know you are in my kitchen every day. What an inspiration you are to me. My 6 year old started battling UC problems this year, was in the hospital, two rounds of prednisone, and nothing has helped her as much as changing our way of eating. Your recipes are wonderful and such a handy tool when preparing food for my family of five. We are all eating so much better now and part of that is due to you. I live in New Orleans so if you could add a traditional New Orleans recipe in your book that would be wonderful. Not too spicy though please, my daughter’s belly just can’t handle it. 🙂
Danielle this is such exciting news! I am beyond happy for you! Sending a big high-five your way! Can’t wait to see the book. Congrats!!!
Jen Mansfield
How exciting! Your recipes are inspiring and your quest to have grain-free recipes made easy and delicious is much needed today with so many of us struggling to overcome health issues. I can’t wait to grab a copy of your book to add to the other Victory Belt books that are stacked on my shelf already 🙂 Big congrats!
How wonderful!!!!! I am so happy for you. All your hard work perfecting your recipes is about to be rewarded! Congratulations. I can’t wait to purchase your new cookbook so we can continue to enjoy all your awesome recipes that you share so freely with all of us.
Congrats! I will definitely be purchasing your cookbook. I have most of the others you have pictured above.
One suggestion. There are a huge volume of what I call “Price Paleo’s” out there. We follow the Weston A Price traditional eating with a mainly paleo twist. No grains but likely some dairy. All of us WAP folks and many, many others will not eat raw nuts. The phytic acid in raw nuts is not only hard to digest, but it blocks absorption of other nutrients as well. We use soaked and dried/dehydrated nuts. I love the concept of your bread and hamburger buns. If you could tweak the recipe to use soaked and dried/dehydrated nuts that would be fabulous – an immensely popular. Other baked good recipes are always welcome!
Keep up the good work! You earned this opportunity!!
Danielle DtotheB
How exciting! Congrats!
Janice Pestana
Danielle Iam so proud of you!! I have had every confidence that this day would come!! Just awesome!!!!
Congratulations! Those photos are tempting me, looking forward to the cookbook. I am anxiously awaiting each new post as you share your journey.
Becky Steele
Angela Jones
Congratulations. I love your site, and I have been trying out some of the recipes. I really loved the Grain-free hamburger buns. Probably my favorite bun recipe to date. I have been on SCD for 10 years. I wish there had been more sites like this when I started out. I look forward to having another Grain-free cookbook in my arsenal.
I’m sooo happy!!!!!!! I was just thinking the other day that there needs to be another SCD/GAPS cookbook on the market (I’ve bought all of them) and I absolutely love your recipes. I own the Practical Paleo book and some other “Paleo” recipe books from Victory. Although they’re good, there’s always the little disappointment in the back of my mind when I can’t use a recipe because it’s not SCD/GAPS friendly.
I really hope that you go the way of SCD/GAPS for the cookbook. I just started the diet, and would be beyond thrilled to buy it!!!
Congrats!! That is awesome!!! Can’t wait to see it!
Rachel @ cuttingoutcarbs
That’s so exciting!! I’m so happy for you. I will definitely be checking your book out as soon as it’s published. You really deserve this. If at all possible, I would love to see more fish recipes in a paleo cookbook. I’ve noticed them to always being a little red meat heavy and paleo treat heavy. But since fish are so high in Omega 3s, I know I should eat more. Just get bored of the same old recipes.
I’m so excited for you! I love your blog and can’t wait to see your cookbook. I especially like recipes that I can put in the crock pot so dinner is ready when I get home, or one skillet meals that I can fix in the evening quickly. Treats are always nice, and yours always look amazing, but right now I’m mostly concerned with day-to-day food. Good luck even though you won’t need it because your recipes are awesome 🙂
dayka robinson
Congratulations!!! It’s so amazing to see things happening that are bigger than you can dream for yourself, right? First stop, cookbook, next stop, nationwide book tour!!! 🙂
I’m a new “Paleo-phile”, follower of your blog and love your recipes & gorg photography. Your site has been a godsend! Again, congrats to you & wishing your cookbook much success.
Yeah!! Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!!
When you teased that there would be a big announcement coming soon I thought…hmmm, either baby #2, or a cookbook!! 🙂 I’m just so excited to share your recipes with the people in my life that aren’t super internet savvy and love using cookbooks. I can’t wait to see/buy it! Oh – I’d also love it if the cookbook had step by step photos for making your ‘white’ bread – i always feel like I’m doing something wrong when beating in the egg whites, etc.
I can’t tell you how excited I am for you!! You so deserve this. You are, as I have said before, a culinary wizard! Yay for you!
That’s AMAZING! It’s a huge accomplishment to create a cookbook period, but to be approached about writing one is just a huge compliment and wow. Congratulations!
First of all, congrats!! I cannot wait to buy your book.
I would love to see more snacks recipes, I spend a lot of time outside my house and it is so hard to stay Paleo without proper planning! Ideally, some protein packed snacks and snacks that don’t rely so much on almond flour would be awesome. Anyway, I am sure we will love every recipe on the book!
Wow! Congratulations, that is wonderful! You are a blogger-inspiration to us all! 😀
Yay! I’m so happy for you and I’m so happy for me, too, because I’ve been hoping you would publish a cookbook!
WOW! CONGRATULATIONS Danielle! That is fantastic news. I LOVE to watch dreams unfold for others, its beautiful and encouraging really! I’m excited for your new journey and can’t wait for this new book to be released…Create Away!!! 🙂
Congratulations!!!!! I’m so excited. I recently discovered your blog and I have been so inspired by your creativity. We recently have given up grains and your recipes have provided much inspiration and tasty results!
Congratulations!! I love your recipes and site and am sure it will be very successful! Can’t wait to order it!
This is amazing! I have been Paleo for a couple months now and thrive off of your blog! Just last night I was making your graham cracker crust in to crackers. Today I will be making your sandwich bread and blueberry spread. I love cooking but I don’t experiment – that is not my interest or gifting. I am so appreciative that it is your gifting! Thank you for sharing your recipes! I look forward to the cook book!
Congratulations! That’s amazing! You really deserve it. Your blog is truly a saving grace for SCD followers, and you’re a briliant cook. I will miss having more than one recipe a week (although that’s still more often than a lot of blogs!), but I’m so excited for your cookbook!
Congratulations Danielle, these are exciting news!
I will be anxiously waiting for your cookbook as I am already a fan of your blog!
Carol B.
Wow, congratulations!! Just found your blog recently and love it – excited to see your new recipes 🙂
Mari, smallforbig.com
Don’t you love it when the universe works WITH you for a change?! How exciting! Congrats!!!
I’d like to ask that you include a quick post script option for egg-free versions of your recipes. It’s always a sticking point for peeps like me who have multiple food allergies.
My only other request, and this may not be an option for you, is that my body’s tolerance for coconut is pretty low – ive heard that from others too. Maybe post scripts/notes about which flour substitutes well? Or, I have a GF book somewhere that lists flours and their properties, but a chart/graph of some kind that helps show which ones can be interchangeable would be like gold.
So happy to see a blogger with a book deal!!!!
Oh this is so exciting!!! This will be in my top two books that I am anxiously anticipating!
And if there is one recipe I would like to see more than anything else it is grain-free crab rangoons! I miss crab rangoons! (Feel free to come up with a good duck sauce recipe too. I can never find one that tastes like those restaurant ones used to taste.)
completely excited for you! consider this “comment” a pre-order!
Bonnie Joyce
This is the most exciting news! Yes, you are pregnant! Pregnant with a new creation of your wonderful recipes! Congratulations!
Huge CONGRATS!!! Well done, very happy for you 🙂
You are definitely very talented. Congratulations! I look forward to featuring your book on my website!
Super happy for you! I love getting your receipes in my inbox. Being an SCD family and having relatives who are vegan, you have given us great ideas and great food. Consider one of your cookbooks sold.
Congratulations! I have most of the cookbooks that you pictured and love the recipes that you post! Personally I would love to see more soup recipes. Again thank you for sharing your website and I know the cookbook will be very successful!
Congrats! You truly deserve it! I love you blog as we’ve been going more and more grain free, but I have developed a sensitivity to almonds. (of course!) I’m looking forward to all the alternatives!
Congratulations! I would love to see more soup recipes as well and the nutritional information for recipes would be great since I am a Weight Watchers member, it helps with figuring out my points. Thanks for all the recipes you have submitted on Pinterest and I know your cookbook will be successful as well.
Congrats! My heart swelled for you with that great news, how exciting! I have only been paleo since January of this year, and more so since August when my husband decided to join me after seeing all the improvements in my health. Your site has been inspiring for me and the pictures get me excited to make the recipe.
As far as ideas for the book, I’m sure it’s going to be a huge hit no matter what, because your recipes alone are enough to get me to the book store, but I would love to see meal plans that work together using leftovers or leftover ingredients. For example, if I make a recipe that calls for egg whites, I would like to save the yolks for another recipe that week so that they don’t go to waste. Or if I make a recipe that calls for only half a can of coconut milk, or maybe just the thick part, then another recipe for the remainder of the can would be great to make that week.
Making meals that flow together like that, with leftover items from previous meals, really help to save our family money while grocery shopping, and it helps me not waste food by it not going rancid/expired or us just throwing it away because we don’t have anything to use it in.
Good luck over the next 8 months! And God bless!
Caitlin Weeks
Way to go! Congratualtions!
Jennifer McLinko
Congrats Lady!! That is big news. You’re already amazing at creating amazing food but what would be super helpful is you could include what you think should be in a paleo pantry and some shopping lists if you can manage it. Good luck and let us know when/ where you’re doing book signings!
Congratulations! I know this will be a well used book in our home! Grocery lists and meal plans sounds too good to be true! It would make my heart sing to have delicious, healthy meal plans with shopping lists!
Wow! How wonderful for you! See what you do makes a difference!
As to what I’d like to see…..
~ a toddler/kid section. My Son is Autistic. Very very picky eater. Very limited diet, though I try. Some days he’ll like a food. Others not.
He goes to a Special school. But they don’t heat meals. So whatever I make goes into a thermos/holder.
I think he’s allergic to eggs by themselves. Because every time I gave them to him as a food transitioning baby to early toddler . He would throw up. Learned after the 3rd try Fine if in something. (cookies). Won’t touch a veg. Likes some fruits.
Ideas for breakfast and lunch.
Congratulations! This is so exciting!! I’m very new to the grain-free lifestyle (like, 3 days!) and yours is the first blog I stumbled upon when searching for recipes. I can’t wait to get my hands on your cookbook!
Awesome! Your website and recipes are incredible, and this new cookbook is going to bless tons of people. I’m very excited and will definitely be waiting eagerly to buy it.
Recipe request: please, oh, please, can you invent a SCD-compliant pasta that isn’t just the zucchini route? That would be amazing…
Fantastic news! Congrats! I can’t wait to see the final product. 🙂
So Very Happy for you! It is well deserved after all of the hard work you have done with your wonderful recipes! Can’t wait to get a copy! Best of luck as you travel this new road!
Becky Rider
Best wishes to you!
I have been looking for a way to get my cookbook published too, so I understand your elation!
Looking forward to buying it next fall!
Dear Danielle,
Congrats..I am new to your blog a spent a ton of time cruising your yummy recipes.But I gotta know where the recipe is for the middle photograph at the top of your blog.The one that looks like a cookie bar with chocolate
in the middle!!!!???????????????.
Carol Lovett
Congrats on achieving your dream!!!! I can’t wait till the book is done.
Pat Meyers
Congratulations seems like a small word in comparison to this NEWS! Have fun on the journey! Can’t wait to see the book!
Congrats! Can’t wait, count me in!!
Megan @ Allergy Free Alaska
I’m so excited for you, Danielle!! It will be a beautiful book – I can’t wait! Congratulations!
Congratulations! What an accomplishment (well, soon to be)!
Beth @ Tasty Yummies
Congrats!! What incredible news! That is definitely a dream come true! I cannot wait to hear more about it and of course pick one up when the time comes! Enjoy the journey!!
Congratulations! You are truly an inspiration to us all.
I would love to see some raw paleo sauces and dips
As well as grocery lists and menu ideas. Good luck!
Alisa Boboltz
Congrats, so exciting! I can only hope this happens to me down the road some day!
Congratulations! That is very exciting news – I was wondering when it was going to happen! So far I have yet to try one of your recipies and dislike it – they are all amazing. You have a gift for this and completely deserve it!
One thing I would LOVE to see is some naan bread and some indian food to go along with it…I would be a happy camper with the bread alone though! I miss naan so much!
It will be the best cookbook ever!
Annie whitten
Great news. Thanks for the opportunity to give some feedback.
Here goes! I expect everybody has been saying how your recipe ideas online are some of the most helpful that we find.
I wonder if the cookbook could include the numbers of recipes from the coconut oil/flor/milk/almond milk type recipes? These are valuable for extra health benefits ( There is a ton of benefits from coconut !) They avoid all wheat. They have the medium chain fatty acids that are so valuable in combating modern diseases.
I dont suppose you could include a section of recipes for busy people, and very sick people. Some of us already have compromised immune systems from the barrage of EMFs and RF fields, chemicals , and of course from trusting wheat products for far too long! Many hundreds , or thousands of us can not focus on tasks, have weak muscles etc and making every meal from scratch, which we have to do if we are to get better, is a long energy draining task.
I suspect that once word goes round that there is a book with a section aimed at this group, the support websites will be proclaiming this long awaited help! It seems to me that this fits neatly into the health benefits of “against all grain ” and so belong together! An awful lot of healthy people really will not mind the easy section , if the recipes are as tasty as they can still sometimes be.
If anyone can find them, I am sure that you can.
Enjoy the new project! Congratulations!
This is truly amazing news!!! While I am happy for me to someday buy one of your cookbooks – I am more happy for you. What an incredible ride this year has been for you! Congratulations!!
And if I can give you one word of advise from a Type A personality and a mom of 5, make sure you take time for you and to enjoy your family. Recipes/Cookbook comes 3rd 🙂
love Moriah
Congratulations! Your website is already my go-to cookbook so I can’t wait to have something in print. Thanks for making grain free living so easy and yummy!
Melinda P
Congratulations! I love you blog, and I can’t wait to get your cookbook!!
Carol Ann
Great news and well deserved! I’d like every day recipes more than anything else but anything you come up with will be great I’m sure!
Grandma Marge
You have always loved cooking and it has been wonderful to see what you are doing for others and yourself to have a healther diet. I will be first in line for your cook book. Congratulations.
OH WHAT WONDERFUL NEWS!!!!! I am new to your blog and I’m SO very happy to have found it! I know I’ll be purchasing your book. I am particularly interested in recipes that use coconut flour as I’ve noticed that the nut flours are high in calories and carbs. VERY excited for you and am eager for the book 🙂
This is so exciting! I just love your blog and come here often. Congratulations to you and can’t wait to get your cookbook. This will definitely be one that I will put to use.
I found your site not too long ago and have printed many recipes to try. I would be happy to purchase your cook book just to have all the yummy recipes in one place!
Enjoying GF Life
Congratulations! This is well deserved. Your recipes are delicious. I’ve made your zucchini bread as muffins several times and it’s so good. (Might have to go make more 🙂
How wonderful. I’m so excited for you and for us!! Two words: Granola. Bars.
Against All Grain
Thanks Lynn – and granola bars – I already have 2 recipes on the blog but there will be more 🙂
Congratulation!! Love your blog, and every single recipe!
Looking for just lots of great recipes. As someone who already owns many paleo books, not looking for information, or the why you should do it. Just plain ol great food! (Like you already give us)
Kate @ Eat, Recycle, Repeat
Congratulations! It looks amazing. You’ve got my mouth watering already.
“We’re never given a dream without the ability to make it come true.”
Carolyn G.
Congratulations on your book deal!
When choosing or creating recipes for your book, please remember us folks who can’t tolerate nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, etc.).
So excited and happy for you!! :)! I can’t tell you how thankful I am to have found your blog and all of your amazing recipes – it’s such a relief being able to cook things that not only are good for my family, but also taste fantastic! I hope this time is such a wonderful adventure for you and your family 🙂
Really really hoping it will be available to be shipped to Australia :)!! If I could ask for anything, it would probably be some detox meal plans, and snacks! I’m always struggling to have enough time to make snacks 🙂 But I think anything you decide to put in the cookbook will be amazing, can’t wait until it’s released! 🙂 All the best with it! xx
Sue Bunting
nutritional information is very important! I know it is one of the things I look for in a cookbook. Congratulations!
Great NEWS!!! Congratulations, Danielle!! I can’t wait to reserve my copy!!! 😀
Congrats! I am just starting SCD, and while I can modify a lot of the recipes I have collect pre-SCD, there are somethings that are impossible or just don’t taste as good as the original. I rely heavily on blogs such as yours for recipes and inspiration!
I would love for your book to have a section on products you can find in the supermarket that are SCD legal. I know this is difficult because products change from city to city, even neighborhood to neighborhood. However, I am under the assumption that there are a lot more products out there than when Elaine wrote “Breaking the Vicious Cycle.” In other words, shortcuts, if possible would be a great help since I don’t have a plentiful pocketbook and am limited for cooking and prep time.
Oh Thai food, some Thai recipes and/or Vietnamese recipes would be awesome!
Otherwise, I think you do an awesome job of coming up with great recipes and mixing things up.
Against All Grain
Thanks Rachel – I do agree with your theory about BTVC being outdated. There’s a few shortcuts for sure. I’ll have a resource guide in there and I’m sure it will help you. Also have you seen my Thai Takeout Series on the blog? https://againstallgrain.com/2012/05/11/tom-kha-gai-thai-coconut-soup/
Hi Danielle,
Congratulations!!! I had no doubt that this would happen for you! You are such a talented chef and so passionate about alternative health…this just seems like a natural next step. I’m so proud of you my dear.
I will be first in line for your cookbook. I can’t WAIT – as I know I will be able to eat all the recipes. 🙂
Good luck over these next 8 months. Really looking forward to seeing the final product.
Hugs to you,
If you could include some really tasty and diverse ( I know it is nearly impossible) recipes for people in pretty restricted phases of GAPS and/or SCD- basically some exciting recipes to eat during flares that don’t make you more depressed than you already are when it comes to eating during tough IBD times. I would buy the book just for that!! Congratulations, I really do love your recipes, style, and ideas, its no surprise to me that you were approached.
Olwen Anderson
Congratulations! What an amazing and exciting event!
Wendy johnson
You are my favorite blog. We are SCD, so I would love to see variations for SCD! So happy for your new adventure!
Congrats – so excited for you!!!!!!! That’s great news – you’ve worked hard, you deserve this and more people will now be exposed to your great recipes. Awesome!
Congrats!!! Can’t wait to buy your book! I would love to see a section for Dairy-Free recipes or some options for swapping ingredients to accommodate different sensitivities.
Congratulations, good news for all of us! I believe that I would buy your cookbook! I have tried three recipes and they were yummy. I tried another grain free bread recipe from another site, it was so horrible, we had to throw it out. Your recipes work!
How exciting!! Looking forward to the release of the book and getting a copy or two for myself and friends. All of your recipes are delicious, I love informing my husband that something he is enjoying is grain free/paleo!! You are so creative and such an inspiration for healthy, delicious, alternative foods. Can’t wait, the pictures already have me drooling!
congratulations! i’ve been enjoying your website for a few months now and not only love your recipes, but enjoy your amazing photography! sign me up for a copy of your cookbook 🙂
Sassy Stephanie
Congrats! You deserve it! Your site continues to be one of my go-to faves for ALWAYS great recipes!
Congrats! I am super excited for u! Thanks for giving this mom some great and healthy options for my boys! More mom ideas would be great, meals that could be frozen would be great, some more lunch ideas for the kids! Thanks again soooo much an congrats again!
Congrats to you!! I’m new to your blog, and fairly new to the grain free life but I am already hooked on your contents, the pics, stories etc. I can’t wait to start trying the recipes. I will certainly be purchasing the book once it is released 🙂 Best wishes as you enter this new adventure.
Laurie and Ralph Umbriaco
Wow!!!! What an exciting time….So proud and filled with joy watching you go…your amazing!
Dorothy Turk
Wonderful news!!!! I’ve only recently discovered your blog while searching for SCD recipes for my son. I hope your book will have LOTS of SCD recipes..
WOOHOOO!!! THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!! :O) Congrats!!!! I cannot wait to have it on my shelf! ;o) Praying all goes smoothly!
OMG! Awesome news, I am so excited for you – and can’t wait to get my copy! You are living the dream, girlfriend!
Tucker Sweeney
Way to go! I love the fact that the SCD diet is making such an impact on so many people. I think your cookbook will be a great addition.
Congratulations! I would love to see some “portable” recipes in the book. Paleo is awesome–but is challenging because so much needs to be cooked the day of and served immediately. When heading to a party and bringing a main dish, or trying to bring a new mom food for her family, I come up short. All my Paleo ideas aren’t easily made ahead of time and taken elsewhere. Your blog is so much fun, I’ve made your cherry chocolate cupcakes multiple times!!!!
So proud of you, my friend! Loved reading all the comments. You have such an encouraging, supportive comment of followers. 🙂 My cookbook requests:
-My favorite books have photos for every recipe–I like to see what the finished product is supposed to look like.
-Substitution notes/recipe variations are always super helpful.
-lots of desserts!
-gratuitous Asher shots 🙂
-Actually, I think a “kid-friendly” section could be a huge selling point, considering you have so many readers that cook for their kids with quirky or picky tastes. Not that there is a catch-all, but I’m thinking your chocolate/pb smoothie, coconut chicken fingers, not-a-grain bars, things that are replacements for common kid favorites.
Congratulations on your book! I love your recipes!
Hey there.. first off, congrats! i just came across your website recently and i am excited to try some of your recipes. Secondly, you asked what your reviewers would like to see in your new recipe book…. and i would LOVE to see recipes that are low in sugar (even if it’s unrefined sugar) as well as recipes that are simple!
Thanks and again, congrats!
I am very excited to be able to get your book. I am new to the grain free lifestyle and LORD knows, I need all of the help I can get. I love your blog because of the beautiful pictures and ease of the directions. I love your positive energy and humor. When I am attempting to navigate this new lifestyle, your blog is my map. Thank you!
Best wishes on this new endeavor!! I LOVE your site……one of my absolute favorites…….and I will definitely purchase your cookbook. You have made transitioning to my new and more restricted diet go SO much easier!!
Congratulations! That`s so exciting. You really deserve it. You are a brilliant cook, and your blog is truly a saving grace for SCD followers. I am sad that you will be posting on the blog less often, but I’m very excited for your cookbook! You have to include your berry tart, pesto pasta with spring veggies, pizza crust, and lasagna! I think those are some of the most difficult dishes to translate into SCD, and your recipes are the closest possible approximation to the real thing!
Best of luck with your cookbook 🙂
Also, I would love to see more dairy-free icecream recipes in the cookbook, a pudding recipe, as well as a peanut butter caramel bread pudding recipe 🙂
Congratulations! I’d love to see yummy grain (including corn), dairy, beef, and pork free recipes! I’d love a good panini bread recipe. I really miss packing a quick and easy sandwich for work or macaroni and cheese as a comfort food.
Holly Houg
I will definitely be buying your cookbook when it comes out!!! Can’t wait! 🙂
Carol T
I just found your blog after reading the wheat belly stuff in First Magazine. I love your blog. I want your book. I would like to see recipes my husband would like. He thinks my no wheat lifestyle kick is bogus but I think it helps me so he needs to know what he can make his cinnamon rolls with so I’ll eat them or a good batter for when he makes venison. Right now when he fries up venison steak he does a very light batter of flour and salt and pepper. He doesn’t think that Almond flour is the way to go.
Cathi Gross
Please Add me to your list, would love to know when you new cookbook comes out. Always lookning for new ideas.
Against All Grain
Cathi – Please enter your email address into the subscription box on the right side of my homepage. Then you won’t miss a beat! Also follow me on Facebook for announcements
Hi! Just started following your website, so excited to hear about your new book! This lifestyle is new to me but it is a wonderful gift, to feel well again! Thank you! 🙂 Jane
Congratulations! Can’t wait for your new cookbook. I love the pictures also alongside the recipes. Hope you make enough SCD and not just Paleo. Also I really miss chocolate but of course cannot have that so hoping some of your desserts are choc. free. List of legal SCD products helps and I know that changes constantly. Best of Luck and THANKS!!!!
Cathi Gross, Ventura, CA
I am so glad that you are creating another cookbook. I am on the SCD Diet, but what I can eat is alot more restricted than the SCD Diet. I was so glad for your Tomatoless Sauce, because I too cannot eat nightshade vegetables, or chilles etcs. I wish there was someway to create exhanges for chillies, I really miss mexican food with all its chillie spices. Oh, well, I would rather feel well. Other foods I CANNOT eat that are on the SCD Diet are Dairy, Nuts, Fruit and Honey. I’m pretty much just eating Meats and lots of non-starchy vegetables. So, I am always looking for more ways to make Vegetables taste good. So, I am excited about your new cookbook, which I hope will have some new ideas for tasty vegetables.
Congratulations, I can’t wait for the book. Things I love are the kid friendly, simple, easy to make, or things that can be done ahead of time for busy schedules. Also little footnotes as to substitutions or variations that can be made are nice. As well as to die for goodies. Basically all your recipes:) thank you from our family.