I use almond milk frequently in my recipes, especially when I am looking for something on the lighter side compared to coconut milk. I'll be honest, I used to fall into the mindset that making homemade almond milk was time consuming and defaulted to buying it at the store far too often. Until I actually get over it and make it, and then I'm reminded how simple it is and how much better it tastes!
I still do keep a carton of the Whole Foods 365 organic almond milk in the pantry for the times when I've forgotten to make it and need something quick as it does not contain carrageenans, but I use this recipe from my first cookbook Against all Grain now and try to keep a jar in the refrigerator at all times. I also soak extra almonds, drain and rinse them, and keep them in the freezer so I can make milk even more quickly when I need it.
If you do not have a good blender but have a juicer, I also have a recipe for almond milk using a juicer here!
The biggest issue people have with making it homemade is the cost difference, but if you use up all of the leftover almond ‘pulp' after squeezing the milk out, I find the cost to be comparable. You can use the pulp in my Rosemary Raisin Almond Pulp Crackers, and also stay tuned for a new Double Chocolate Cookie using almond pulp that I'm working up and will share soon!

Kathy S.
I was so excited to see this recipe in your book and I truly had no idea how simple it was to make until I read it! Now I make a batch weekly. Thank you so much for the tip of pre-soaking and then freezing the almonds! I never would have thought of that and it will make things so much easier!
I am allergic to almonds, but I make a darn good cashew milk using raw cashew butter. I haven’t tried adding a date to it, though. I am under the impression that almonds might not be as naturally sweet as cashews, so maybe the date would be unnecessary for cashew milk? I’d love to know. Thanks!
Charlotte Bronson
Would it ruin the milk to make a bunch and then can it in Mason jars? I know you have to boil it for that so not sure if it would ruin it.
Michelle P
Do you know the compartment cost between a quality almond milk and homemade almond milk off the top of your head? One cup of almonds makes 4 cups of milk. ..
Lindsey Gustafson
Can you use a food processor instead of a blender?
I tried this and had to mop up my kitchen.. the food processor it not water tight like a blender is.
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
Have you ever had the milk turn sour? I have tried making homemade almond milk 3 times- the same method every time. Twice it soured in a day, and once it was great. I don’t know what causing it to sour?
Thanks for this recipe!! I made this almond milk today and I have a couple questions:
I have a great Ninja blender, but how long should i blend it? I see that it is separating in my fridge. Is separation normal? I don’t mind the separation, but did i do something wrong?
Do ever add a little vanilla flavoring to it?
I usually freeze my almond milk in ice cube trays and add toss them in the blender with fresh fruit for a great smoothie! :-p. Yum!
Thanks again!
Separation is normal. Just stir before using.
Linda Whitten
Just made this and it was so easy and so good. Mine is separating in the fridge so I just give it a shake. Is that okay – I mean, should it be separating? Also, if a larger batch was made could it be frozen?
Linda, separation is normal. Just shake it up before using it. ~Eileen
I read something online that said to avoid baking with almond flour because the fats in almonds are not heat stable. Also, almond milk is very high in phytic acid and so you should avoid it. Does anyone know if this is true?
Soaking for 10 hours would remove most if not all of the phytic acid.
Happy to see you’re back at it, Danielle. We missed you!
allison burgueno
Almonds are sweeter than cashews. Hemp works for melks as well, bur you definitely need dates for the sweet, otherwise it is grassy. Cashews are creamier than almonds for sure.
All commercial almond milks are mostly water. Homemade is better IMHO.
Should the almonds be soaked at room temperature, or in the fridge?
Thanks for making it so easy… I stopped buying Almond Milk a while ago… if I remember rightly it was because of the carageenan content. I’m definitely going to start making this.
Is there a good substitute for the date?
Camille Mixson Welch
Danielle does your son eat this way as well? My 11 yr old son has crohns and I wanted to try this with him. The dietician doesn’t think there is enough research to back it up and it wouldn’t provide enough calcium for my son. I was just curious if Asher eats this way and what are his main sources of calcium?
I know this is an older post so most likely won’t be seen, but maybe someone has an answer:). Freezing homemade plant based milks (almond, coconut, cashew) to be thawed and used – any tips/tricks? I’ve been reading online and there isn’t a lot about it and most of the info says to use only for baking after plant based milk is thawed. I want to start making my own, but my mylks seem to go bad in a few days so it isn’t sustainable to be making milk every few days for myself (plus I really don’t use a lot of it). Would love to freeze in 1/2 cup increments to thaw and use.
Thank you!
Hi Michelle!
I’ve seen readers comment that they freeze their milk and then use, but I personally haven’t done it. Hopefully another reader that freezes their homemade milk might be able to shed some light on this and give you some pointers. Thank you so much for your support!