Click here for the Against all Grain Pumpkin Bread Recipe from Danielle
With my new cookbook well under way and keeping me very busy, I’ve lined up some fellow bloggers to do guest posts for me two Saturdays a month. My autoimmune condition is heavily fueled by stress, so in an effort to stay healthy, these friends will help relieve some of the stress and keep recipes still coming your way! I am super excited to introduce my guest for today's post, Joshua Weissman from the new blog Slim Palate. I first stumbled across Joshua's site on Pinterest and then when my friends Stacy and Matt shared his story on their blog Paleo Parents, I asked him to guest here and share it with you as well. Joshua is new to the Paleo blogging scene and is taking it by storm with his refined palate and budding photography. And here's the kicker, Joshua just turned 17. Yep, 17 years old. After struggling for much of his youth, Joshua took his health into his own hands a year ago and lost over 100 pounds. He's here today to share his special family recipe of Pumpkin Bread- Paleo-fied. Please welcome him to Against All Grain and make sure to visit his site to read more about him and fall in love with his positive attitude and outlook on life.
This is very exciting for me, as this is my first guest post with a recipe that I have ever done. So huge thank you to Danielle for having an interest in me and my photography, I am super humbled to be able to do this, and especially for another blogger that I love. Moving on to the post, I'm doing it again. I'm messing with another family recipe and making it “healthified”. I better put a lightning rod or something outside my house so I†don't†get struck by lightning for tampering with a family recipe. Although I suppose as long is it tastes good it is worth being stricken to death by lightning. Maybe not.

Regardless of the lightning, this really is another recipe that I'm completely revamping from my family cook book that I have†attempted†to make healthy and maintain it's original flavor as much as possible, and I must say it turned†out†pretty good. Especially considering the fact that none of the measurements or ingredients are the same what so ever. So it was a bit of a challenge but you will have to be the judge. The consistency isn't exactly the same because it's slightly more airy, but I kind of like it like that. Definitely interesting and really, quite wonderful. Especially if you take a pan, heat it up, drop a pat of grass fed butter in it and toast both sides of a slice and pop it in your mouth. Yeah, it's absolutely immense how delicious that is.

So when you toast it like this the bread gets a golden brown rim all around it and the edges are all crispy and when you bite into it you get that nutty aroma and flavor from the grass fed butter and then it all melts away in your mouth with that non overwhelmingly sweet, warmly spiced pumpkin that is absolutely perfect for a cold day. I know I keep saying that, but it's for good reason since it is so cold here right now. Which is all the more reason to be having pumpkin bread. And once you have an excuse, that's all you need.

Not to mention it's been “healthified” so that's even better.
About Joshua
Joshua Weissman is a 17 year old food lover with a love for health. Joshua always loved food but his love for food led to an eventual weight gain. And after years of ridicule and physical harassment he decided to change his life and lost over 100 pounds through healthy eating and exercise. Even after this, he kept his strong love for food and now runs the blog Slim Palate, a food blog where he posts his recipes and other recipes that he likes to make along with fun stories and just general food talk. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook where he shares his daily life and his love for food and health.
Looks delicious!
Are you using canned pumpkin puree? I would like to make this 🙂
Joshua @ SlimPalate
Hi Tiffany, I used Farmers market organic pumpkin. You can get it here: https://amzn.to/WPS67f
Awesome. Thanks Joshua!
This is going to be perfect, I so appreciate getting this recipe and I am making this tomorrow. Big hugs and much gratitude to you both for sharing this.
Looks so good. Can’t wait to try this. Very inspirational Joshua!
Congratulations Josh on transforming your weight and lifestyle. This bread looks so enticing and your photographs are wonderful.
When I was growing up, my mother made pumpkin bread every year, it was one of her specialities. This is the closest recipe I have found to replicating hers, it tastes just like I remember, only more moist. It was a huge hit with all three of my children and my husband. Thank you so much! I froze a lot of puree from local pumpkins this year and now, thanks to you, I have the perfect treat to make with it! The only thing I did differently was to use coconut milk instead of water, because I happened to have some on hand that I needed to use (and I did use honey instead of stevia since we are on GAPS). Thank you!
Joshua @ SlimPalate
What an excellent idea on the coconut milk! Why didn’t I think of that? We have a culinary genius in the house. Anyway, I’m glad you liked it.
What size loaf pan did you use? And I’m assuming that what you refer to as a “baking sheet” is the same as parchment paper? Eager to try the recipe, Josh! Thanks.
Joshua @ SlimPalate
Yes we cut out a piece of parchment paper. And I used a standard loaf pan 8 1/2 x 4 1/2
Tricia Koehler
thank you – this is delicious – bye bye wheat!!!
I made this yesterday right after it was posted. It was awesome and my husband and I finished it by ourselves! Very moist. I just made the recipe again as muffins… It made 12 muffins and they took about 30-35 mins at 325 to cook. Thanks for the recipe!!
Joshua @ SlimPalate
Great idea with the muffins Suzy, I’m glad you liked it!
Is that 1/2 teaspoon *each* of cloves and cinnamon, or 1/2 teaspoon of a *combined mix* of the two spices? Thanks.
Joshua @ SlimPalate
Hi Lois. it’s 1/2 teaspoon each.
Tonja S
I just made this and used honey instead of stevia. Holy wow is this a fantastic recipe. It tastes like fluffy pumpkin pie. Thank you for posting it!
I made this last night and instead of 1/3 cup of water I used water and maple syrup combined to equal 1/3 cup. Essentially, cutting down on some of the liquid. The bread came out tasty but very very moist and somewhat oily, almost too ‘wet.’ It was completely cooked. I think I’ll try it again with less oil and see what happens.
I made this last night and mine also turned excessively moist. It tasted fine, but was somewhat “caramelized” on the outside (I baked it in a glass loaf pan). I used 1/2 c. of honey, 1/3 c. of coconut oil (melted), and 3 T. of water. Maybe the water was the problem? I didn’t use parchment paper and the pumpkin bread came out of the pan without sticking. I baked it for 60+ minutes- it was slightly overdone on the outside and slightly underdone on the inside, and excessively moist throughout.
Joshua @ SlimPalate
Interesting. To be quite honest Lois I have no idea how that happened. I’m sorry about your experience wasn’t so great. Other people tested it with honey and it seemed to turn out for them. Maybe it was the glass loaf pan? I’ll look into it. Thanks for letting me know.
The same thing happened to my bread tonight… Very moist and oily yet overdone on the outside. I think I will cut down on the coconut oil next time
Brittney Davis
Hi there, I am an excited new-bee to your awesome site. Thanks for all the fantastic tips and tricks! I’ve been eating no grain for a LONG time and I love finding new recipes. I have a question… I have made this recipe 2 times. I LOVE IT. My question is… mine comes out really really moist, it’s almost like a bread pudding texture, Is that normal for this specific recipe? I cook it as long as what the recipe says too! I did it 2 times and they came out the same. ( the second I added 1/2cup of Xylitol and i LOVED IT EVEN MORE!) it’s fine that super moist, but I wanted to ask 🙂
Joshua @ SlimPalate
Well it should be moist. But If it’s like pudding there could be something wrong here. What type of almond flour are you using? Is it very fine ground almond flour? Maybe try reducing the water a tad or completely eliminating it. I haven’t tested it with Xylitol so it may be that as well.
I also had the same problem. I believe it is done, because the tooth pick comes out clean, but it did not firm up like normal bread. I used Trader Joe’s Almond Flour. I’m going to continue to experiment with it.
I`d love to make this recipe but for some reason it does not show the ingredients, only the instructions. Could you let me know the ingredients please. Many thanks.
first off let me say how impressed I am with you for taking ownership of your life and health at such a young age. I only wish I’d done it 40 yrs ago. And thank you for sharing this with us. I’m going to try it tomorrow.
i just made this last night with banana instead of pumpkin- lowered the honey to 1/4 cup and added 2 tbsp coconut sugar and 1 tbsp flax. just had some for breakfast and it was amazing and super filling! definitely will be making this recipe again…
The spice on this was just absolutely perfect. If you can possibly wait to sample this until after refrigerating overnight, it’s so much better that it’s worth the wait. Good luck with that! I substituted puréed kabocha squash for the pumpkin; used honey; baked in a small round springform pan. I will definitely make this again. Thank you for Sharing your recipe.
Jo Hsu
This recipe looks fantastic. I just one one question– I don’t have an electric beater, or even a whisk. Would this recipe be possible if I just broke them up in the food processor along with the other ingredients, or should I try beating them in a bowl with a fork? Thanks!
Finally got around to making this over the weekend. WOW!! This is one of the best bread recipes out there. I will definitely be making this over and over again.
lisa james
is it ok for my 11 month old to have stevia?
Angela Torrente
This sounds lovely – can you tell me how many carbs there are in each slice, I am trying a high fat, low carb diet and would love to try this bread. Thanks
Maria sogard
Tried this today. Flavor is great, is very moist inside and caramelized on the outside. I am wondering, is the coconut oil supposed to be melted or in solid state? I melted it but realize now the recipe does not call for that and think maybe that could be why mine came out so moist inside (totally delicious and edible, but a little spongy) or if its my high altitude cooking (I’m at 9000 ft). Thanks for sharing your recipe and you have inspired me to try and turn my favorite Greek recipe paleo of my moms!