Hi friends,
It's been a tough week here but we're making it. This digest will show you the cuddle time I've had with Kezia, videos I've been binge-watching, and the winners of the October Cookbook Club! ?

She is the highlight of my downtime. ♥️♥️♥️

You guys did an amazing job this month! I loved seeing all of your amazing recipes from Celebrations.
Congratulations to the winners!

I have been in bed watching these one after the next. This one is likely my favorite.
Have you watched them before?!
I fought, it won. This time.
I haven’t been hospitalized for this disease in a decade. I’ve had flare-ups, it hasn’t been a smooth road, but we’ve been able to manage with food and supplements until now. It’s something I’m proud of and have worked hard for. Driving myself here today was difficult. I’m trying to fight feelings of failure. Or that my message of food being healing is a farce. I know it’s not so, but I’m vulnerable and tired, and it’s the perfect time to be derailed if I don’t keep reminding myself how far I’ve come, how far so many of you have come, and just how miraculous food has been in all of our lives.
I could feel the dehydration and malnutrition and knew it was time to let modern medicine step in and get me back to life, back to my kids, my work and my sweet husband who is shouldering so much.
A few bags of fluids and some potassium and I’m already feeling like a new person. But the medication side effects scare me and I’m hoping I’ll be able to sleep in here. I miss my babies and the comfort of my own bed and food. And being poked and prodded all day isn’t fun.
I’ll be here a few days, hopefully. Thank you so much for keeping us in your prayers and thoughts. This too shall pass. ♥️

I can't believe these ingredients are acceptable in a hospital, it makes me so sad.
Thankfully I have my sweet family bringing me my own food.
Who's with me to change nutrition in hospitals???♀️
Ugh, hospital food is the worst, especially if you are in for IBD related reasons. I spent 3.5 weeks in the hospital a couple years ago (Crohn’s flare, then Cdiff acquired in the hospital – not fun) and it was rough going trying to navigate the hospital food and have family and friends bring me food from outside. I had a cooler and that helped. I did my best but would do things even more differently if I’m ever hospitalized again (things like dehydrated bone broth with collagen, frozen soups from home). I hope you are on the mend soon. Sending you lots of positive thoughts. You can do this.
Sarah Beth Allen
Every time I’m in a hospital I am shocked and appalled at what they feed people. It’s awful and I always bring food.
My son was in the hospital for a week with encopresis many years ago. They were pumping him with tons of liquid to help relieve him and what surprised me was the food they served was doing the opposite of what we were there to accomplish. It was shocking! I wish I’d known then what I know now and how food is a medicine. It was so hard on him for most of his young life. One thing really was the game-changer. Old fashioned mineral oil. Not the kind at hardware store, but in the pharmacy and a wonderful nurse that deals with only this condition. I can’t tell you how many nights I’d be up looking for a solution or help. It was a very difficult time and I felt alone and my heart broke for my son whose life revolved around his condition. He’s a healthy young adult now, but I know it changed and shaped him to who he is today. If anyone out there needs support, I’m happy to help anyway I can.
Pati Clark
I hope your feeling better …I miss you on social media !!!! (((hugs)))
Kelly Campo Busby
I’m with you! I want to change hospital food, and nursing home and assisted living foods! And school lunches!
Jeanne steinbecker
Danielle, as you said in a post I believe I read on FB that you are trusting Good will come from this! Hospital food is a far, far cry from real food which our bodies need for healing especially when we are in the hospital. I was so disgusted with my food choice when hospitalized with kidney stones several years ago. If you can be any part of that change…..WOW Even just 1 local hospital in your area. How about a hospital cook book guide? So keep that in the back of your mind after you are well. So happy you are home with Ryan, and the little’s I was so sad for you. I said to my adult daughter did you see Danielle is in the hospital. You are a family name. Rest and restore! Pace yourself! You are such a blessing to so many of us!