


Hi Everyone! This week's digest includes a look into my Mother's Day with my family, what we were up to this week, and a new recipe that I know you will love! Scroll down to see more.

I woke up to this happy news the day after I announced my new book and a dancing llama just felt right. Y’all love a good sale!! Who doesn’t?!



They gave me the perfect Mother's Day. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️


This girl turned 11 months on Saturday. Which means I only have 1 month left before she turns 1. Who allowed that? And how do I stop it?
? ? ?


This new Grain-free Veggie Noodle Stir-fry recipe is up for you guys! You will want to put that sauce on EVERYTHING. Trust.


So last night I went to have dinner with my friends @weelicious and @meganpalmer72 and ended up also having dinner with @chefjwaxman and @eatfellowhumans, both of whom I have watched for years and respected as chefs. I played it cool (at least I hope), but I felt completely out of place and honored, and am still wondering how I ended up there.
I normally don’t get embarrassed to order out at restaurants and make a ton of modifications and ask questions of the server, but if we’re honest – I was kind of mortified at first. I debated just eating afterwards to spare myself the embarrassment. These people own renowned restaurants and their creations are like their babies. So much time and effort goes into creating each menu item. Is it offensive to change things?
Thankfully the ladies encouraged me that I needed to do what’s best for me and no one at the table would care, so after chatting with the manager we ended up with a spread worthy of a queen that I could actually eat and enjoy.
Moral of the story – don’t worry about who you’re sitting with at the table. Be your own advocate (respectfully of course) and enjoy your meal without sacrificing your health. Own it! I’m proud of what I do and especially proud that I figured out what works for my body and keeps me out of the hospital, and if asking a few extra questions and changing a few ingredients is what I need to do to maintain that, then so be it! ???