My third cookbook, Danielle Walker's Against all Grain: Celebrations was released on September 27, 2016!
It's 352 pages full of over 100 brand new recipes, and I think it is my best book yet. You can order a copy now, or pick it up anywhere books are sold including Target and Costco.
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After I wrote Meals Made Simple, I asked everyone who came to my book signings what type of book they wanted me to write next. I heard over and over again that people were in need of a trustworthy, grain-free holiday themed book. I put out my eBooks Thankful and Joyful in the interim, but then kept hearing that you all wanted those recipes in a hard copy book! So I took my favorite recipes from those, and added about 100 more to include 12 celebrations throughout the year!
When people adopt a new diet for health or personal reasons, they worry most about the parties, holidays, and events with strong food traditions, fearing their fond memories will be lost along with the newly eliminated food groups. As you all know, I suffered for years with a debilitating autoimmune disease and I missed many of those special occasions myself. That sense of loss is what propelled me to revived the joy that cooking for holidays can bring.
The book is not just holidays though. There's a full child-friendly birthday party spread including a variety of birthday cakes and frostings, finger foods to serve at a baby or bridal shower, and re-creations of backyard barbecue standards like BBQ Ribs and potato salad.

Of course, there’s a full Thanksgiving spread–complete with turkey and stuffing, creamy green bean casserole, and all of the quintessential pies. There's menus for both Christmas breakfast and dinner; a New Year's Eve cocktail party and Easter brunch, along with suggestions for beverages and cocktails and the all-important desserts. The best part is that the recipes can be mixed and matched among the various occasions, and most of the dishes are even simple enough for everyday cooking!
The Father's Day menu is my absolute favorite, where you can find my version of Paleo Baked Beans, a grain-free ‘Corn' Bread, and even Peach Cobbler. The Christmas treats section is also another favorite. I pulled from my both of my grandmother's heirloom recipes and converted things like Christmas fudge and Biscotti. I'm so happy to be able to continue to enjoy those traditions with my children, and hope you will be too!
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I have heard from so many of you that making recipes using unfamiliar ingredients can cause anxiety, and while trying a new menu on a regular weeknight leaves some room for error, the meal simply cannot fail when you have a table full of guests celebrating a special occasion. This is why I transformed my most cherished family traditions into trustworthy recipes you can feel confident serving, whether you’re hosting a special guest with food allergies, or even cooking for a crowd of regular grain-eaters.
You can preorder the book now and be the first to receive it on your door step the day it comes out! And be sure to keep your eyes peeled for my book tour dates to be announced later this summer. I can't wait to see familiar faces and meet lots of new ones!

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I can’t wait to get this book! It looks like the perfect addition to my ever-growing collection of Paleo cookbooks, including all of your previously published ones, which I love!
Thank you Anne!
Tabatha Lemon
Just when I thought it was not possible to love you and all you do more! What can I do to get it signed? 🙂
I’ll have book signings and other events so just make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter to stay updated when I release more information!
I am SO excited about this. My husband bought me Meals Made Simple for Christmas and it’s pretty much all I use when I’m doing my weekly meal planning. That book is fabulous. I have 5 little kids and I go to that book all the time because I know I can throw TASTY dinners together quickly. I love it! I just told my husband the other day that I hoped you released another cookbook soon (just cause I can’t get enough!) so I am beyond thrilled to hear about this. I tell all my friends that are hoping to feed their family better meals about your cookbooks. Great job!
Thank you Beth!
Joan Beightler
I sent my niece in New Zealand your Meals Made Simple and she loves it! We both have your cookbook displayed on our kitchen counters. So fun to share with her as she tries different meals and I do the same. Thanks Danielle, you are reaching down under too. I plan to send her the 3rd book for Christmas.
I’m so glad you’re both enjoying the recipes!
You can almost always use cashew flour or sunflower flour or macadamia nut flour in place of almond flour! Just try to find a brand that is finely ground! 🙂
Yep! I do have several nut-free recipes in my third book. That being said, you can almost always substitute in cashew flour or sunflower seed flour in place of almond flour.
If there’s an easy sub I do usually list it in the notes. I also have dietary classifications list!
Can you tell us roughly how many recipes are SCD-legal or a percentage? I tried looking at the “Look Inside” feature on amazon but it doesn’t show a breakdown.
Rachel Sorensen Cain
My 10 year Celiac son was snuggled beside me when the first news of Celebration cookbook was in your newsletter. It has been preordered. I’m sure we will make many fun meals from this book too!
Thank you Rachel!
How can I modify your meal plan skipping meats? And for diabetes2 I must reduce my carb intake. Healthy carbs in moderation if ok. Also, I would love to make a healthy bread, with very little carbs, sugar, sodium. And dairy free.. Does the book contain such recipes.
Also have host of other medical conditions, as my daughter does. MS. And unhealthy gut. I recall you wrote about using gelatin for your gut. Is there a vegetarian gelatin? or soup for my vegetarian daughter? Looking forward, If God wills to seeing you in Minneapolis,MN
robyn shutt
Hi Danielle!
Are you planning on doing another book signing in the East Bay ?! I would love to come! I actually went to Costco in Danville to look for copies of the books you had signed. I have all your cookbooks and I am obsessed. I also love following you on snap chat and all your live Facebook posts.
Thanks you
Yes, I am! Thanks for the support Robyn! I hope to meet you at a signing 🙂
Tracy Marks
I’ve never been THIS excited to order a new book…..and a signed copy!! Thank you so very much for your endless dedication to this cause, for the 7 extra recipes, the chance to win prizes and being so very generous with your time. I look forward to all of you fabulous videos and blog entries. You ARE amazing.
Thank you Tracy!
Laura Lewis
I have loved every single one of your recipes that I’ve made! They always taste amazing. And your photography is beautiful. 🙂 I’m wondering which of your cookbooks have the least number of recipes calling for eggs or nuts? I can’t have either, so I’ve been hesitant to purchase a paleo cookbook because they tend to rely so heavily on those foods. But would really love to get one of yours! Just trying to figure out which one. 🙂
Thank you Laura! Yes, all of my books do use eggs & nuts. Meals Made Simple has many nut-free & egg-free treats (and there recipes as well) and my newest, Celebrations also has a great deal of nut-free & egg-free (I think the most, actually) recipes!
Christine Mitchell
Hi, Danielle, from the Australian Outback! When we preorder Celebrations, how do we receive access to the additional recipes not included in the cookbook? Thank you for your tireless effort & time to bring us such amazing & healthy real food, as well as for sharing your story. You’re a gift! The Lord bless you!
Hi Danielle, Can I preorder the book from a Canadian style Barns and Nobel and still get the free recipes?
Dina Lynn
I emailed you my purchase receipt for your new book. Did you receive my email because I never received your bonus recipes??
Hi, Thanks for your cookbooks… I can’t wait for the next one! Can you offer a little advise on the Vanilla Buttercream recipe you have on page 160 of the Celebrations cookbook? It seemed to go according to plan, but then I put it in the fridge as I wanted to use it for piping with the football cookies recipe. Granted I put it in the fridge for over an hour, but then it curdled/the honey/water combo separated itself from the rest of the ingredients. Was it just in the fridge too long? I tried adding in the palm shortening to “save it” but I ended up straining it and using what I could as it didn’t seem to want to go back together. Thoughts? My hope is I can use this to frost a cake if I can master making it. Can you advise how far in advance it would be safe to frost a cake with this frosting when made properly? Thanks!!
Hi Dainelle
I have had your first cookbook on my shelf for a few years, its only when my daughter condition, ulcerative colitis has worsened that we have taken a step forward to try and change our diets.
She absolutely loves the recepies and we use it as our guide and plan our menu/meals around it. We are on our second week now and getting hang of making in bulk and freezing it. As well as making our seasonings to stock up on.
A big thank you
Kathy Sellers
I have leftover bread from the egg/ham breakfast recipe-any suggestions on what I can do with it? I already cut it all up into cubes
You can try to make a small batch of my grain free stuffing or lightly toast them in the oven to make croutons!
Monique Hannon
Hi. I love your cookbook! Infant seem to find the right size for the tart pan you use in the celebrations cookbook. Could you share a link or lead me to a website I can buy it from? Monique