I’d still consider myself a newbie gardener, even though we had a fluke successful first year gardening at our old home. This year, I’m trying some new vegetables and fruits, and have been watching a ton of YouTube videos about how to plant, what to plant next to each other, what needs to be pollinated with the same plant, what needs to be cross pollinated. It’s a lot of work, but this little garden is my happy place! It’s like my new baby, I run up the hill every morning to see how much they’ve grown. 🌱🌿
Do you have a garden, big or small? Even if you only have a balcony, you can grow herbs and tomatoes really easily! It’s so rewarding, they taste amazing, and it’s way more economical. Plus getting your kids involved in the planting process opens them up to trying so many new things. My kids eat at least a half dozen new vegetables they would normally turn their noses up to simply because they planted it themselves.
Wake up with the Walkers – Instant Pot Applesauce
If you have only ever had the packaged applesauce that comes in those little plastic containers with foil tops, you are seriously missing out. Homemade is the only way to go, and this Pressure Cooker Applesauce tastes amazing warm, cold, on top of ice cream, or just by itself.
I serve this with a drizzle of coconut cream or with some extra cinnamon sprinkled on top. You could also serve it warm spooned over my Maple Dijon Pork Tenderloin (Meals Made Simple Cookbook, page 180) or my Indian Spice Rubbed Pork (Against All Grain Cookbook, page 178).
Get the recipe here!
I've been waking up before the rest of the house to get started on my next book. Book five. Except this one is going to be quite different from the previous four.
I sit in this quiet corner with my coffee in the mornings and pull memories from places that I realize I keep buried deeply. Writing of the decade cycle of diagnosis, disease, grief, remission, hope, setbacks, recovery, and faith.
I expect lots of these mornings until August, when I turn it in. I know it’s going to be arduous and emotional, but it’s also already feeling somewhat cathartic.
You’ve been waiting all quarantine for this gluten free Crunchy Graham Crackers recipe, so I pushed it to the front of my blog queue to get it to you earlier.
What a strange, unsettling, and grief-stricken time we find ourselves in. 2020 has definitely not proven to be the year of rest and healing I had prayed for while in the hospital in November. But sadly it is what it is. As a family, we are going to move through 2020 like we have in the past with the tragedies of child loss and chronic illness. Tragedies that we have faced in our own lives over the last 13 years.
We will face it head-on with grace for ourselves, & those around with us. With hope and faith in Jesus that He will use all suffering for good. With boldness to be constant learners, and a dedication to make a difference.
And with comforting and healing food that nourishes our bodies. Food that brings us around the table (both personally and physically in our own home – & digitally with all of you), & invites conversation and unity.
Graham Crackers are nostalgic. They're simple & they're comforting. They're something I'm willing to bet we all ate as kids in the US. No matter what our background was. Whether they were given at school if you didn't have a lunch, or your grandma served them as a treat. No matter who you are and what you're grieving right now, food is still a necessity, & one that is tied to innocence and good memories. And that feels especially needed right now.
These guys can be used for S'mores, around a campfire or fire pit (or even your backyard grill), where uncomfortable, but conducive conversations can be had.
I ordered some books for the younger kids that I'm planning on reading around the fire pit this weekend while we roast marshmallows. I think providing a safe and familiar setting like this, while we open up some new conversations for our kids to think about can be really grounding. And memorable.
Hopefully you can make them with your family, & enjoy something that is comforting & familiar this weekend. ❤️
The first day of summer is quickly approaching on June 20! With the stay home order still largely in place here, and school ending in mid-May, it feels a bit like summer started early. ☀️ Our house is always full of action with running a business full-time and having 3 kids at home. Healthy quick lunches for me and Ryan are often hard to keep on hand… This gluten free Ahi Tartare is loaded with nutritious ingredients, and it’s the perfect fresh summer lunch.
One of my favorite summer foods (or year-round) is poke or tartare. 🐟 I love the fresh ahi, cool avocado, crunchy cucumber, and spicy radishes tossed in a citrus-ginger marinade. This recipe is featured on top of crisp taro chips in Celebrations Cookbook but you could wrap it in lettuce cups or even toss it on top of grain free cauli rice. 🍚
I hope you enjoy browsing through Celebrations for some of my favorite summer recipes (starting on page 185) and give this Ahi Tartare a try!
When it comes to Father's Day, there’s not much discussion about what Ryan wants to eat. He always chooses the Knife and Fork Ribs and this Tri-Tip with Chimichurri from Celebrations cookbook !
My kids would eat the Tri-Tip weekly if I made it. I often sub flank or skirt steak with the same marinade if that's what I have on hand. The ribs cook slowly in the oven, which results in perfect texture and rich flavors without having to man a smoker or grill.
I like to serve them the same way I would a traditional barbecue- with beans and cornbread! Except in our house, the beans are legume-free, and the cornbread is corn-free . 😉 The gluten free cornbread is a fan-favorite, and I love seeing you guys make it all year long! It's a book exclusive and isn't on my blog, but I shared it with Mind Body Green when the book came out if you want to google it!
If you have a copy of the book – will you be making and serving this menu too this year? Take a peek at my blog for dozens of other BBQ recipes!
I realize that a lot you either miss my stories on my Instagram, @daniellewalker or don't follow me on social media. I believe that these images and text deserve a permanent place on my platforms, just as George Floyd’s name has had a permanent place on our lips & in our minds & hearts for the past couple of weeks and the foreseeable future.
We had a conversation with Asher last week that I didn’t expect to have with him at his age, but was absolutely necessary. I watched him think of his friends who look different than him, wondering why anyone would want to harm them or think they were bad people just because of the color of their skin.
I told him that I get the privilege of going to bed at night, never having to worry that he will be treated wrongfully because of the way he looks. I couldn’t hold it together when I had to use the words “murder” & “policeman” in the same sentence, breaking any innocent beliefs of the world my son previously had.
I’ve read, unlearned, & learned so much these past couple of weeks, but the mothers who are raising young black boys have been heaviest on my heart, & I’ve pray for them nightly. I hate that they go to bed worrying about the future safety of their kids, when they’re not even old enough to walk to school by themselves yet.
After we had our talk, I watched my friends @beleafmel & @mrsmelanin have a very different talk with their children. Glen mentioned at the beginning that the video was for his black audience, but I feel like it was just as important for our family to watch & try to understand. For our hearts to break with theirs. I don’t know what else to say besides it’s not fair they have to do that, & I hate it for them & all of the parents around the country having similar conversations. Stripping their children’s innocence in an attempt to keep them safe.
I will not always say the right thing. In fact, I know I will get it wrong much of the time.
I will learn from your emails if they are constructive & kind. I’m reading, listening, and learning. There’s a contact box on my blog.