Here is festive bit of eye candy for you. And, of course, it tastes good too! I almost didn't want to cut into it so to preserve the design. The Berry Tart with Dairy Free Vanilla Bean Custard uses the vibrant berries that are in abundance at our farmer's markets. I just couldn't resist buying vats of them and adding them to all of the dishes I made for the last couple of weeks. My son adores berries of all shapes and colors, and was happy to help in consuming them. It took everything to keep his little paws off of this while I shot it.
It looks intricate, but it's actually pretty simple to make. I tried to use arrowroot to thicken the custard but it did not produce results I was happy with, so gelatin it is! You can also use agar-agar powder (flakes will be a different measurement) if you don't want to use gelatin. There's often a stigma attached to gelatin because of the J-E-L-L-O that we all grew up eating, but you will be using unflavored gelatin with no added sugar or preservatives. It's a great Paleo and SCD alternative to cornstarch or flour as a thickener and actually provides protein, soothes the digestive tract, and is a natural anti-inflammatory . I haven't tried it, but I have heard that you can find gelatin made from fish if the beef one bothers you.

I had promised to attempt an egg-free version of this for some of my readers, but I just don't think the custard will be a custard without the yolks. The lovely Coco from RoostBlog recently posted a recipe for beautiful tartletts that are filled with vanilla coconut cream, so I suggest using her version if you need to refrain from eggs.
Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy
that is stunning! seriously so gorgeous with all the fresh berries! i could see that at a memorial day or fourth of july party! thanks for sharing!
I’m gettingvready to make this. I am using pectin instead of gelatin so that it is actually vegetarian/vegan. Not sure if you know that gelatin is made from animal bones. I look forward to how it turns out. I’m making it for my birthday.
Can’t wait to try this! What would you recommend as an even substitution if I use vanilla extract instead of the vanilla bean? Thanks so much~
Against All Grain
I much prefer the taste of real vanilla beans over the extract, but I did use it in my banana cream pie and it came out just fine. The custards are about the same so 2 teaspoons extract should do the trick!
[email protected]
This looks absolutely beautiful…it will make a perfect 4th of July dessert!
How many cans of coconut milk does one need to get a cup of coconut cream? I’ve only ever used coconut milk in curry – and we use the whole can – so I have NO idea!
Against All Grain
It only took me one can but it depends on the brand. You could put 2 in the fridge just to be safe.
Just made this and it is out of this world! I substituted pure extract because they wanted $8/bean and my grocery store. You have great taste. Looking forward to cooking some more recipes off your site! It’s so pretty, too. This was a test run of this. I’m going to make it over Fourth of July when I go to my inlaws for the week. Think I’ll pre-package some of the ingredients so I don’t have to buy specialty stuff there. I think it will make a big hit!
Against All Grain
I love the taste of real vanilla bean but extract works just fine! So glad you liked it!
This looks amazing. Which brand of coconut milk do you use? almond milk? Or do you make your own? I’m on SCD so just wondering. Thanks again for the recipe. Can’t wait to try it.
Against All Grain
Hi Janine! I’m sending you an email!
Danielle –
I was going to ask about the coconut milk as well! I know you had posted your favorite brand in the past, but if you could please let me know what kind you use that would be great! I’ve made my own coconut milk in the past, but I don’t feel like you get as thick of a cream as you do with the canned varieties! If you could please e-mail me that would be great.
Great! Can’t wait to get legal coconut milk. I read that using canned milk yields a more predictable coconut cream. I wanted to try this recioe for our family father’s day BBQ!
Can a natural sugar be substituted for the honey? Either Stevia or Xylitol? I have made a simple syrup with xylitol before but it is not as thick as honey would be so I wanted to see if the honey is adding to the consistency/texture or just providing sweetness.
Thank you for sharing this recipe!!!
Against All Grain
It’s just providing the sweetness! Should be fine as a powder or liquid.
Erin @ Texanerin Baking
I love the ingredients in this! And I’m so jealous that you have berries in season where you are. Lucky! I’ve never seen a filling like that. I definitely want to try it at some point!
Yup, it’s gorgeous – I’m so impressed with that custard!
Against All Grain
Thanks Cara!
This is gorgeous!! Everything you make is so lovely (and delicious).
I’m making your bread as we speak (for the 5th time).
I’ll drop you an email with some observations
Have a great rest of your weekend.
I made this last week, could not be happier with it. Will definitely make again and again! It was very easy, and so smooth. I topped mine with raspberries and stewed rhubarb, I had it for breakfast, for dessert, as a snack… basically any excuse I could find! The poor boyfriend only got one slice I think. ; )
This is so beautiful! I would love to know the brand of coconut milk you used as well. I am also wondering if anything can be done ahead of time. Or do you usually make it on the day you serve it.
Thanks so much!!
Against All Grain
Hi Sara- I use Natural Value because it’s guar gum free. YES! A lot of it can be done ahead of time. You could make the crust the night before to save time and get the custard with the gelatin chilling the night before also. I left mine overnight then whipped in the coconut cream when my guests arrived so it had time in the fridge to set up before serving.
Gina C.
Gorgeous! And what an awesome tart crust!
Chana Lewis
Getting prepped to make this gorgeous tart :).
What size tart pan did you use?
I cannot wait to make this, I just need a party! As I use a lot of vanilla I now make my own extract. Simply take one vanilla bean (bourbon vanilla beans are the best), cut along the bean to expose the teeny seeds, place the entire bean into a sterilized glass jar or bottle with a tight fitting lid and pour over 1 cup of good quality vodka and close the lid. Stick it into the back of your pantry and give it a shake every now and then. It’ll be ready to use in a few months. You can top it up with more vodka if you like but the longer you leave it the more syrypy consistency you will achieve. Heaps cheaper in the long run than extract and no added sugar and it makes one vanilla bean go a long way
OMG that IS indeed gorgeous! I love making pretty fruit tarts like this. I look forward to trying your version! I just bought some mini tart pans with lift-out bottoms today! Cants wait to try this in mini versions! I’m thinking mango slices, cinnamon sauteed apples, blueberries and raspberries. Mmmmm.
Cassidy @ Cooking Gluten (& Dairy) Free
This looks so great! I’m starting a “to make” list from your site!
This looks amazing and sounds scrumptious! I’m excited to try it but I’m not a fan of coconut. Have you ever made it with almond cream instead of coconut? I found a website for making homemade almond milk and cream so I thought the almond cream might work as a substitute. I’ve never used coconut milk so I’m not familiar with the consistency or texture. Any thoughts regarding substituting the coconut cream?
Against All Grain
It really doesn’t taste a thing like coconut in my opinion but almond milk won’t work. The cream from the top of coconut milk is extremely thick and whips up almost like regular dairy cream. You could try whipping the gelatin mixture with just a tiny bit of milk to make it smooth, but my guess is it won’t get as thick.
This looks incredible!!! Perfect for the summer.
I was wondering if you had trouble removing the crust from the pie dish? I find that nut flour is so fragile and doesn’t stay together well. Do you have a trick?
Against All Grain
I never have trouble with this one. The coconut flour makes it really strong. I’d say the key is baking it long enough before you add the filling so it doesn’t get soggy. Also – adding a piping hot filling will cause condensation that could make it soggy so bringing everything to room temperature first should help.
I made this for the 4th and it was a hit! Thank you so much! It is going in my summer recipe dessert section of my binder! Pretty sure I will be making it again this summer!
Donna Hann
Made this yesterday for our family Fourth of July gathering. It was the bomb! Was so looking forward to tasting pastry cream again and was delighted with the flavors using the almond milk as a base and whipping in the coconut cream. It set up beautifully and tasted divine. Thanks for the treat.
I made this for my dad’s birthday, only I completely skipped the custard and just made the crust. My dad wanted it to be totally filled with organic whipped cream and so it was! The crust was absolutely amazing, and I am for sure making this again in the future!
Have you made the crust without the pecans? My daughter is allergic to pecans (peanuts and all tree nuts except almonds). I’d like to try to make this, but wonder if the crust will be a disaster. It looks wonderful!
Against All Grain
Try my Honey Graham Cracker Crust! It will be just as good with this!
Hmmm, I have absolutely loved every one of your recipes until this one! The crust was just too thick and the vanilla custard was too firm to spread and was too little to fill the crust if I could have spread it! I did love the TASTE of the crust and am going to try using it for cookies! I am a very experienced cook/chef so I’m not sure what happened? I also tried the ‘graham’ crust that goes with the Chocolate Truffle Pie but it was way too thick for the pan and was just a very strange sponge like thing! Any idea as to what went wrong? I followed the directions precisely!
Despite those two misses I love your recipes, especially the everyday bread and the chocolate chip cookies. Last time I made the bread I added cinnamon and raisens and it made the best toast ever!
Against All Grain
Hi Cheryl – Sorry you didn’t have success with this. I guess the crust may be a personal preference thing. What size pan did you use? For the custard- it is very firm before you beat it with the coconut milk cream. Perhaps you didn’t beat it long enough? I suggest in the instructions that you may need a little of the coconut watery milk from the bottom of the can if it is too firm but I usually don’t need it. Everyone that has tried the graham crust have loved it so I’m not sure about that one either! The only thing I can think of that would make it spongy is too much coconut flour.
thank you, I may give it another try!!
This was so good. I made this and brought it over to a family friend’s house today and I will definitely make this again. The crust was so tasty I’m thinking of using one to make a pumpkin or apple pie this fall. The cinnamon flavor would compliment the pumpkin or apple so well. Thanks so much for this, you’re a fantastic chef!
Hannah @ Hannah's Healthy Heaven
Glad I found this site! That tart looks amazing and I can’t wait to try it! 🙂
Chana Lewis
This was amazing. Total win, everyone raved, and I can’t wait to make it again.
My only recommendation is that the tart pan be greased. I had a bit of a struggle cutting/plating without losing crust, which was kind of unfortunate considering how gorgeous this tart is.
Also, I used fresh figs instead of berries. Perfection.
I’m just about to make this for a group of 12 people, does anyone know how many this recipe serves and what size tart pan to use? Thank you in advance!
I’ve found coconut milk from a can to taste like soap. Especially the cream portion. What brand do you use?
Against All Grain
I use Natural Value or Native Forest. Both have a great flavor in my opinion
OMG!! This berry tart is out of this world! I didn’t expect it to taste as good as it looks. Thank you.
T. Wright
the Berry Tart looks amazing but i am egg allergic. have you ever omitted the eggs or replaced them with anything?
Against All Grain
Sorry eggs are essential for the custard
T. Wright
sorry i just gave you my wrong email address it should be…
[email protected]
i am looking for an egg free version of the lovely berry tart
This looks great. After heating the almond milk with the vanilla bean pod and seeds…. the pod obviously comes out. Seeds…. stay in or strain out? Thanks!
Against All Grain
Seeds stay in for the flavor.
Hi Danielle!
This is my first recipe I am trying of yours and am in the process of making it right now. Just a question–in the recipe it calls for Almond Flour but in a few of your comments you wrote about using coconut flour. Just want to make sure I’m using the right one! So far the custard looks great!
Thanks! Kristen
Against All Grain
Yes you’re making the right one, no coconut flour. One of the comments was in reference to another one of pie crusts that uses it and the other comment I think was just me not paying attention and typing the wrong word!
This may be a silly question, but I’m new to using gelatin. Is there a difference between what you’re suggesting and the powdered unflavored/unsweetened gelatin that comes in envelopes?
Against All Grain
Nope! Unsweetened powder is what you’re looking for.
This looks like it would be fabulous! I’ve actually got all the ingredients except for the berries…..would this work for a lemon tart? If so, how much juice & zest do you think I should use or, would the acidity react this any of these ingredients? THANKS!
Against All Grain
I’m not sure but you’re welcome to try it!
I am just about to make this for a group of 12 people, does anyone know how many this recipe serves, and what size tart pan to use? Thanks!
I was wondering if I can use coconut flour instead of gelatin?
This looks delicious. I noticed some people asked about the tart pan size, but I don’t see an answer or a size in the recipe unless I missed that somewhere.
Kim Rice
Hi Danielle,
We don’t do well with eggs in this house. Do you think I could substitute with something? What do you recommend? I can’t do flax but I can do chia seed
Kim Rice
Against All Grain
This recipe will not work without egg yolks for the custard, sorry. I link to an egg-free recipe from Roost at the bottom of the recipe though that you could try.
I made it with the Enger-G brand Egg replacer today and it worked! I used the instructions on the box for 1 egg for the crust and for 3 eggs for the custard. I did add a little extra gelatin, probably 3/4 TBS total. Which may or may not have been necessary. I absolutely love eggs but since going Paelo have become allergic to them. 🙁 https://www.amazon.com/Ener-G-Foods-Replacer-16-Ounce-Boxes/dp/B001GVIRKM
I made this for my family today for Memorial Day. My husband and I have been Gluten and Dairy free for almost 2 months now and I’ve been trying to make a dessert that the rest of our family will like as well. The hardest part in changing the way we eat has been family gatherings. I can’t even tell you how many recipes I’ve tried so far in the last few weeks. Our son’s first birthday is coming up in the next two months too and I’ve been searching for desserts that we can make that everyone will like. This one finally got their approval! It came out beautifully and is so incredibly delicious! Thank you so much for all your recipes, especially this one! Can’t wait to serve it at our little guy’s birthday too! 🙂
Lisa Scott
I made this for a family gathering today. It was delicious! It suffered a little in transporting it and trying to keep it cool, so in the future I think I would make it in situations where I would be serving it at home. I’m already wondering how it would taste with a little chocolate drizzled over the top! Thank you for a delicious treat!
Did anyone figure out what size tart pan? Also, if I’m not worrying about dairy free, can I just use heavy whipping cream in place of the coconut cream?
Could I replace the coconut cream with raw daily cream? Would i get the same result?
You are such a fantastic source for good recipes. Anxious to try this one. Notice you’ve not said what size tart pan to use…what size do you use?
Thanks so much.
Just saw this on Pinterest. For those who are concerned about using eggs in the custard, I would think that substituting haupia (coconut pudding) for the custard would work just as well.
Hi Danielle, I’m planning to make this tart for 10 people this week. The recipe is actually for 8. What would you recommend is best to serve with it to fill up the portion a bit? Thanks for your answer!
I made an egg free version that came out great! Omit eggs, add additional generous 1/2 cup of alternative milk to make up the difference in reduced liquid. Added 2 tablespoons of tapioca starch (toasted in a dry pan for 5-10 minutes swirling occasionally – this eliminates flour taste) to the vanilla’d milk and mixed well with electric mixer to eliminate lumps. Pour into a sauce pan on medium heat, whisking slowly adding sugar (evaporated cane juice to taste) and gelatin (1 teaspoon instead of tablespoon) while it thickens (you/I may want to experiment with an alternate sweetener, but I’m not sure if the use of sugar contributed to the thickness and nice texture). Followed the rest of the recipe to a tee, except for placing my full fat coconut milk in the freezer for about 4 hours and then whipping it before folding it into the custard. Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe!
Emily B
This was, without a doubt, the most delicious thing I have ever made! I think I’ll make it again tomorrow 🙂
Everything was going fine until I tried to thicken the custard with the coconut cream. I think I added too much perhaps. Now what? How do I thicken the custard. It’s too watery to add to the crust.
Did anybody have a problem with the custard staying congealed and just breaking up into pieces when mixing with the coconut cream? I’m not sure what I did wrong. I ended up heating the mixture to dissolve it, which worked. But then I had to recool it and whip again.
Yael Scutaru
This happened to me as well! I didn’t think to reheat it again. Any idea why the custard didn’t thicken in the first place? I ended up placing mine in the freezer.
Can’t wait to try this. Would it turn out if I used maple syrup for sweetener in this? Also wondering what brand of almond milk you use. I haven’t found one at all without the gums, etc. Could you please email me with your recommendation. Thanks.
Hi! I’ve been making my own milk for a few years now, most recently with my Almond Cow! You can find more information here –
Made this yesterday for the 4th. So good, my hubby had it for breakfast!
Ha ha! I do that occasionally as well!