Use this sauce on pizzas, spaghetti squash, or drizzled over fish!
Use this sauce on pizzas, spaghetti squash, or drizzled over fish!
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Do you have a vegan version as well? My son can’t have nuts or dairy- wonder if there is a way to make pesto for him?? By the way- I love your recipes and site- this has been a blessing to us.
Against All Grain
I’ve bought an amazing vegan one at Whole Foods before but I’m almost positive it had walnuts in it. Can he do seeds? You may be able to make one with sunflower seeds. Just leave the cheese out.
Here’s a yummy vegan version: https://www.consciouseatery.com/2013/10/dairy-free-pesto-paleo.html?m=1
Danielle L
Can this be frozen? For how long? Would u still want to seal with some olive oil? Yummmm!!