As I mentioned in my Trail Mix post, I've started soaking and dehydrating my nuts prior to eating them. You don't have to soak them if you don't want to, but buy raw nuts either way.
These nuts are a great snack and are Paleo and SCD friendly.
As I mentioned in my Trail Mix post, I've started soaking and dehydrating my nuts prior to eating them. You don't have to soak them if you don't want to, but buy raw nuts either way.
These nuts are a great snack and are Paleo and SCD friendly.
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Please do not use our photos without prior written permission. Please do not copy this recipe and share it on your own site. If you wish to tell people about this recipe, please provide a link back to the recipe here on my blog rather than copying the recipe. If you make significant changes to a recipe, you are welcome to rewrite it in your own unique words and provide a link back here for credit. Thank you!
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Healthy Mama
How simple and delicious: I’ll try making this !
Hi Danielle,
Found your blog today through the Civilized Caveman blog, and am already in love. I will definitely be cooking from your recipes! Can you tell me what the purpose of soaking the nuts ahead of time is? I’ve noticed this in recipes in several places, and it makes sense when milking them, etc. but why for roasted nuts?
Thanks you,
Oops, nevermind! Just read your trail mix post and found the info there!
Thanks again!
Against All Grain
Let me know if you have any other questions!
I tried out the recipe and used walnuts instead. Turned out great! I think I’ll try lemon-ginger next. 🙂 Thanks!
Were do you get your raw nuts from?
Lynn Tank
I have tried your soaked trail mix and it is great. In your recipe, you recommend using parchment paper on your dehydrator tray. That is really difficult on mine since it is round with a hole in the center for air flow. Could I use a solid accessory tray (like you use to make fruit roll ups) instead or would that wreck my results?
It should be fine!