Is the weather getting colder where you are? Are you inspired to curl up inside, perhaps in a “snuggle pile” with loved ones? I know our family is! Just today as we were running errands the sun began to set and cooler temperatures set in. My oldest of 3 sons politely asked, “Mom, can we… Read more »
Search Results for: guest post
This is a recipe from the new book, Mediterranean Paleo Cooking, releasing Oct. 28 2014 by my friends Caitlin Weeks from the blog Grass Fed Girl, her chef husband Nabil, and Diane Sanfilippo, the author of the New York Times bestselling books Practical Paleo and The 21-Day Sugar Detox I just received my review copy of this… Read more »
There are times in life when we have the opportunity to walk alongside and support someone in a time of need. It could mean making a meal for a co-worker, providing a listening ear, or – in the blogging community – writing a guest post so your friend can take some time off. I’m happy… Read more »
I’m Carol Lovett and I founded the blog, Ditch the Wheat. I wanted to support my friend, Danielle, during this difficult time and celebrate the life of her beautiful daughter, Aila. When I was new to the gluten-free lifestyle, Danielle’s blog was one of the first blogs I read. It was magic to me. Danielle… Read more »
Hi there, AAG fans! It’s with mixed emotions that I bring this guest post to you today. While I am excited to “meet” Danielle’s amazingly loyal fans, I am deeply saddened by what her family has been going through and only wish this were happening under different circumstances. I’m glad she knew she could reach… Read more »
Having a blog means your personal life is very much on display, something that most certainly can take some getting used to. That said, one of the wonderful trade-offs of your life being public is the many incredible connections you make world-wide. I have connected with and met more amazing people than I ever thought… Read more »
When I heard Danielle’s news, my heart broke for her and her family. As a mother, there are some things in life you just expect to be absolutes, and when something this tragic happens, it changes your life permanently. The grace and the strength you have shown during this time only show what an incredible… Read more »
We are so honored to be featured as guest posters on Danielle Walker’s Against All Grain today. Danielle is a friend of ours, so we are so happy to be able to contribute a post for her readers. This is a recipe for one of our favorite desserts, grain free fudgy brownies. For this recipe,… Read more »
As a mom to three boys, I write this post with an aching heart and with my arms (virtually) wrapped tight around Danielle and her family. Danielle, you are beyond brave to share with us what your family is enduring. Please know that you are such a bright light in the world and truly a… Read more »
One of my favorite things about the paleo/primal/scd community is our love and support for one another. We are all in this movement to make an impact on lives all over the world and empower people to get and stay healthy. Accomplishing that goal comes in many shapes and sizes and one of them is… Read more »
When Danielle told me her sad news, I was completely brokenhearted for her. As a mother to three girls I have so much empathy for what she must be going through. I wanted to do a guest post here today to give Danielle and her family time off while they go through this difficult period…. Read more »
Jenny from Paleo Foodie Kitchen is back with another easy weeknight meal with this Paleo Glazed Pork Tenderloin. Please welcome Jenny and if you like what you see here, make sure to take a look at her blog for more recipes and her previous guest posts here. I consider pork tenderloin as the other white meat when… Read more »
Please welcome Ali from back to Against all Grain with this summertime zucchini noodle recipe! If you don’t already have a spirilizer, get one HERE now! ~Danielle With rising temperatures and the summer months just around the corner, zucchinis are coming back into season. If you’ve been spiralizing tiny baby zucchinis all winter, I feel your pain. Like… Read more »
Please welcome Ali from to Against all Grain with a new twist on spiralized vegetables! You all probably already know about my love for the spiral slicer, and Ali takes it way past zucchini and cucumber! She has shown you how to make creative ‘noodle’ dishes out of a variety of vegetables, but now she is showing you how… Read more »
I know you guys are always looking for easy weeknight meals with minimal ingredients, so Jenny is back to share this Baked Garlic Mushroom Chicken recipe with you! It only has 5 main ingredients and is a cinch to prepare! ~Danielle Thank you Danielle for letting me share another one of my recipes with… Read more »